KryptoDash is a cryptocurrencty tracking application that allows users to monitor updates and trends relating to coins of interest on the market.
Initial conditions to get the most out of the code provided.
- Package Manager - NPM
- Code Editor - VS Code, Atom, Sublime Text, etc.
- Operating System - MAC OS, Windows or any Linux Distro
- Modern Browser - Google Chrome or Firefox
MongoDB: NoSQL database used to store user, coin and session data
Express: Node based server-side microframework used to whip up quick server and create REST API
React: Client-side framework used to compartmentalize and control various aspects of UI
Redux: Global client state management
Next: Server-side render react. Unify react and express
Nivo: Charting framework built on D3 used to render chart from server-side
View the package.json to see additional technology used.
- Initialize node project
npm init -y
- Install main tech stack
npm install next@8.1.0 react@16.8.6 react-dom@16.8.6 express@4.16.4 mongoose@5.5.5 @nivo/line@0.58.0
Go to CoinMarketCap API main site and register for an API Key
Go to CryptoCompare API main site and register for an API Key
- Authentication
- Sessions
- Cryptocurrency Market Data
- Specific Coin Monitoring
- Dashboard
- Coin Historical Data Visualization
- Fuzzy searching
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please read for details on the process for submitting pull requests.
- Bryan Jeanty
Project licensed under MIT License