Nola Elixir Meetup

Welcome to the Nola Elixir Meetup repo, New Orleans's homegrown Elixir meetup group. This repo contains the general guidelines and rules for the meetup group as well as our list of resource links for each topic (read below).

How does the meetup work?

Each month, we pick a general subject about Elixir to chat about. From immutability, to processes, to OTP - we try to cover it all, month by month. It's half guided course and half discussion, built to bring together new and experienced Elixirists alike!

For Beginners

If you are a beginner to Elixir, then welcome! You will find a list of links to get started in the topics folder - just choose the file for the appropriate month, follow the links, and read away! Also the meetup you are attending may have people further along in Elixir than you - make sure to ask questions, that's what they are there for.

For Not-So-Beginners

Each meetup will start an open discussion about the general topic. If you are intermediate / advanced, come and join the discussion with us, and let's see where it takes us. If you have any useful information or links to share, please drop a note about it in the meetups folder in the

For Presenters

If you would like to give a talk, we'd love that! Please let the organizers at the NOLA Elixir Meetup know.

Below are direct links to the monthly topics for your convenience

June 2017 - Processes

July 2017 - Pattern Matching