
Balanced Api Client for Elixir

Primary LanguageElixir


Balanced API v1.1 Client for Elixir


use the following:

{:balanced, "~> 3.1.0"}



#looks for an application variable in the `:balanced` app named `:secret_key` or an environment variable named BALANCED_SECRET_KEY
{:ok, balanced} = Balanced.new

#alternatively, you can pass in the secret key as well
{:ok, balanced} = Balanced.new("my_secret_key") 

#then pass in the balanced pid when calling functions
{status, response} = Balanced.BankAccounts.get(balanced, bank_account_id)

status is either :ok or :error

response is a Map converted from the json response from Balanced.

Information about the balanced api can be found at http://docs.balancedpayments.com/1.1/api/

All calls return either {:ok, response} or {:error, response} where response is a map of the Balanced API response