
Keen.io API Client for Elixir

Primary LanguageElixir



Keenex provides an Elixir interface to the Keen.io HTTP API.


Add it to your applications and dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:keenex, "~> 1.1"}]

Configure it in config.exs:

config :keenex,
  project_id: "xxxxx",  # defaults to System.get_env("KEEN_PROJECT_ID")
  read_key:   "xxxxx",  # defaults to System.get_env("KEEN_READ_KEY")
  write_key:  "xxxxx",  # defaults to System.get_env("KEEN_WRITE_KEY")
  httpoison_opts: [timeout: 5000]  # defaults to []

And then call functions like:

{status, response} = Keenex.add_event("dinner.tacos", %{test: "tacos"})

status is either :ok or :error.

response is a Map converted from the JSON response from Keen. Information about the contents of the response can be found here.