
Macro copying a struct with Option fields. Useful for config initialization

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0




From the tests/builder.rs file:

use optional_struct::*;

#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct Foo {
    paf: u16,
    bar: Option<u8>,
    baz: Option<char>,
    miaou: Miaou,

#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct Miaou {
    a: i8,
    b: i16,

fn test_builder() {
    let default = Foo {
        paf: 12,
        bar: None,
        baz: Some('a'),
        miaou: Miaou {
            a: 1,
            b: -1,

    let first = OptionalFoo {
        paf: Some(42),
        bar: Some(7),
        baz: Some(None),
        miaou: None,

    let second = OptionalFoo {
        paf: Some(24),
        bar: None,
        baz: Some(Some('c')),
        miaou: Some(OptionalMiaou {
            a: Some(2),
            b: None,

    let collapsed = first.apply(second).build(default);
    assert_eq!(collapsed, Foo {
        paf: 24,
        bar: Some(7),
        baz: Some('c'),
        miaou: Miaou { a: 2, b: -1 },


Since rust does not have default arguments, and some tools are strict when deserializing data (e.g. serde), missing configuration values can be quite frustrating to deal with. For example:

struct Config {
    log_file: PathBuf,

If we read the configuration from a file, and the log_file is not specified, serde will fail to create the struct. While serde offers ways to set the default value for a field with e.g.

struct Config {
    #[serde(default = "get_next_log_filename")]
    log_file: PathBuf,

there are obvious limitations. This crate aims to fill this gap by allowing optional values, and providing an easy way to apply values obtained from different sources to construct our configuration.

With optional_struct, one can define the required configuration as it shall be used and only use the generated struct to handle configuration/missing values/default values.


The macro optional_struct generates a structure containing the same fields as the one it was tagged on, but wrapped by an Option. A function on the new structure allows applying its values to the original one (if the Options are not None). This can be called multiple times, to apply configuration from different source, while giving the caller complete control over how to set the values, since the generated struct can be easily manipulated and passed around before constructing the final configuration.


  1. Rename the generated struct:
struct Config();

fn main() {
    let me = HeyU();
  1. Handle recursive types:
struct Foo {
    // Replaces Option<Bar> with OptionalBar
    // To generate Option<OptionalBar> instead, add an extra #[optional_wrap]
    // as described later
    bar: Bar,
  1. Handle Options in the original struct (by ignoring them):
struct Foo {
    bar: Option<u8>,

fn main() {
    let opt_f = OptionalFoo { bar: Some(1) };
  1. Force wrapping (or not) of fields:
struct Foo {
    bar: char,

    // Useless here since we wrap by default
    baz: bool,

fn main() {
    let opt_f = OptionalFoo { bar: 'a', baz: Some(false) };
  1. Change the default wrapping behavior:
#[optional_struct(OptionalFoo, false)]
struct Foo {
    bar: u8,
    baz: i8,

fn main() {
    let opt_f = OptionalFoo { bar: 1, baz: None };
  1. Add serde's skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none" attribute to generated struct

By adding the attribute #[optional_serde_skip_none] to a field, the generated struct will have the same field tagged #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]. This attribute makes serde skip fields entirely if the value of the Option is none (rather than saving e.g. "value" = null if serializing to json).

  1. Skip a field entirely:
struct Foo {
    bar: char,
    baz: bool,

fn main() {
    let opt_f = OptionalFoo { baz: Some(false) };

If the optional_skip attribute is used, Default is used to fill in missing fields in the ``TryFrom` implementation. Therefore Default must be implemented on the struct.

  1. Don't emit the optional struct definition.
use clap::Parser;
use optional_struct::*;

#[optional_struct(OptionalFoo, true, true)]
pub struct Foo {
    bar: char,
    baz: bool,

#[derive(Parser, Debug, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
pub struct OptionalFoo {
    pub bar: Option<char>,

    pub baz: Option<bool>,

fn main() {
    let opt_f = OptionalFoo::parse();

Normally optional_struct copies the derives and attributes from your original struct to the generated struct. If you wish to specify different derives and/or attributes, the third parameter to the optional_struct macro tells optional_struct to skip emitting the struct definition so that it can be defined with different derives and/or attributes. In this example, we use this capability to utilize clap's derive macros.

Even though the struct definition is not emitted, the impl for the struct is still emitted. The following functions are still available:

(See examples/clap.rs for a fuller example.)

apply, build, and try_build

Those three functions are used to build the final version of the structure, by collapsing the values "on the left".

The signatures of the functions are (in pseudo-code):

impl OptionalStruct {
    fn build(self, s: Struct) -> Struct;
    fn try_build(self) -> Result<Struct, OptionalStruct>;
    fn apply(self, other: OptionalStruct) -> OptionalStruct;

What those functions do:

  1. build takes a real Struct and sets all its field based on which fields are set in OptionalStruct. Missing fields are left alone. Option fields with a force-wrap attributes will NOT overwrite the value e.g. Some(1) will not overwrite Some(2) (see the initial example for a concrete situation.

  2. try_build tries to build a whole Struct from the OptionalStruct, returning either an Ok(Struct) if things went well, or the initial OptionalStruct in the Err(OptionalStruct) in case things were missing.

  3. apply takes an OptionalStruct as a parameter and applies its fields to the left (i.e. self). If self and other both define something, the value from other is taken. If self defines something but not other, the value is preserved. Naturally, if self does not define something but other does, this value is used.


optional_struct creates a TryFrom impl, which you can utilize via try_into:

    let opt_f = OptionalFoo { bar: Some(1) };
    let foo: Foo = opt_f.try_into().unwrap();