How to install projects

  1. In terminal, type => code ~/.bashrc
  2. In .bashrc file, on line 4, type => export CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT=/workspace
  3. Exit out of .bashrc file
  4. Click recycle bin icon to kill the terminal
  5. Open a new terminal
  6. In terminal, type => sudo apt-get install subversion
  7. In terminal, type => npm install -g opspark
  8. In terminal, type => os install
  9. Enter Github username
  10. Enter personal access token
  11. Select bootcamp session
  12. Select project to install

How to Test Projects in Gitpod

  1. In terminal, type => os test
  2. Select bootcamp session
  3. Select project to test

How to Submit Projects in Gitpod

  1. In terminal, type => os submit
  2. Select bootcamp session
  3. Select project to submit

How to Push Work to Github

  1. In terminal, type => git add -A
  2. In terminal, type => git commit -m "Description of Commit"
  3. In terminal, type => git push

First Website Project

  1. Only complete up to TODO 10

Portfolio Project

  1. Only complete up to TODO 5