
A turn-based survival game built on the Mojo v3 FPGA

Primary LanguageVerilog


A turn-based survival game built on the Mojo v3 FPGA


A game about reigning over your kingdom as long as possible. Game mechanics and logic built around an ALU on an FPGA.

ALU Functions

ALUFN Hexadecimal Operation Description
000000 0x00 ADD Addition
000001 0x01 SUB Subtraction
000010 0x02 MUL Multiplication
010110 0x16 XOR Exclusive or
010111 0x17 NAND Not and
011000 0x18 AND And
011010 0x1A A Is A
011100 0x1C B Is B
011110 0x1E OR Or
100000 0x20 SHL Shift left
100001 0x21 SHR Shift right
100010 0x22 SLA Shift left with sign
100011 0x23 SRA Shift right with sign
100100 0x24 RTL Rotate left
100101 0x25 RTR Rotate right
110011 0x33 CMPEQ Equals to
110100 0x34 CMPNE Not equals to
110101 0x35 CMPLT Less than
110111 0x37 CMPLE Less than equals to




For players to reign over their kingdom as long as possible, without being overthrown or killed. High scores will be generated according to how many rounds the player has lasted.


All attributes range from a scale of 0-10.


A measure of the spiritual faith of the player’s population. Consequently, reflects the power of the church.


A measure of the strength of the population. A consequence of their contentment, hunger and size.


A measure of the strength of the military. Dependent on their funding, equipment and size.


How rich you (or your royal treasurers) are. ‘Nuff said.


  • Players begin the game with a starting attribute level of 4 and have to ensure that these attributes do not drop to 0 or reach 8.

  • Every round, players will be prompted with a question requiring them to input a yes or no answer.

  • Their answer will positively or negatively affect their four attributes to varying degrees.

  • There is no correct answer - nearly all answers are a compromise of some sort.

  • Each question answered is considered one successful round.

  • Players play until they are killed, or overthrown.

  • Players may be saved by bonuses gained at the beginning of the game, outlined below.


Players will die and lose reign over their kingdom if any of the four attributes drop to 0, or hit the max cap of 10.

For example: When the Religion attribute has hit max cap: The church has grown too powerful, and has decided to overthrow the monarchy.

When the Population attribute has hit 0: Your people are dead. You have no kingdom to rule over.


Along the way, players may be granted bonuses from special instances in-game. These can be gained from answering a question in a specific way, or randomly from a character.

  • Food Silo
    • Thanks to your great foresight, the food silo you’ve built helps prevent your people from going hungry
    • Prevents death from Population attribute hitting 0 once
  • Insurance Policy
    • Prevents player from getting overthrown due to 0 Wealth once
  • Spiritual Healer
    • Restores faith in your population by performing a miracle
    • Prevents player from getting overthrown due to 0 Religion once
  • Mercenary Forces
    • Comes to your kingdom’s aid in times of war
    • Prevents player from being killed due to 0 Military once