This repository contains the AllenNLP demo.
To run the demo locally for development, you will need to:
Create a fresh environment:
conda create -n allennlp-demo python=3.6 source activate allennlp-demo pip install -r requirements.txt
Install the version of AllenNLP you would like to use.
a. To install the latest release, run
pip install allennlp
.b. If you would like to use the same version this commit was tested on, please look in the Dockerfile and install that commit.
c. To install AllenNLP from source you can use
pip install --editable .
Build the frontend and start a development frontend service
./scripts/ cd demo npm run start
This will start a frontend service locally, which will hot refresh when you make changes to the JS.
(Optional) Set up a local DB for storing permalinks.
brew install postgresql pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start psql -d postgres -a -f scripts/local_db_setup.sql export DEMO_POSTGRES_HOST=localhost export DEMO_POSTGRES_DBNAME=postgres export DEMO_POSTGRES_USER=$USER
Start the backend service
Normally, the backend server would manage the frontend assets as well - the JS has a special hack for if it is running on port 3000 (which it does by default if you are running the unoptimized JS using
npm run start
), it will look for the backend service at port 8000. Otherwise, it serves the backend and the frontend from the same port.
Here is an example for how to manually build the Docker image and run the demo on port 8000.
$ export GIT_HASH=`git log -1 --pretty=format:"%H"`
$ docker build -t allennlp/demo:$GIT_HASH .
$ mkdir -p $HOME/.allennlp
$ docker run -p 8000:8000 -v $HOME/.allennlp:/root/.allennlp --rm allennlp/demo:$GIT_HASH
Note that the run
process may get killed prematurely if there is insufficient memory allocated to Docker. As of September 14, 2018, setting a memory limit of 10GB was sufficient to run the demo. See Docker Docs for more on setting memory allocation preferences.
The following describes the steps to add a new AllenNLP model to the online AllenNLP demo.
We assume you already have an AllenNLP model with the code for the model in allennlp/models/
. To begin, create an AllenNLP Predictor for your model in allennlp/predictors
. A good template to start with would be the Sentiment Analysis predictor.
With the predictor set up, we will now consider two possible scenarios:
The task your model solves is already available in the demos (e.g., adding a new textual entailment model).
You are creating a demo for a task that is not in the demos (below we pretend Sentiment Analysis is not present in the demo to illustrate this process).
It should only you to change a single line of code to add a new model for a task that already exists in the demos.
Fork and clone allennlp-demo and follow the installation instructions.
Modify the line that points to the saved model in
. For example, we can replace the link to the current textual entailment model
with the path to another archived AllenNLP modelmy_model.tar.gz
is the model to interpret). Note that if you specify a relative path to the gzip file, the path should start from the root directory of the project (the directory
in it). If you start the demo, you should see your model and the corresponding interpretation and attack visualizations. -
If you want to add a model as an additional option (e.g., for side-by-side comparisons), you can add a radio button to toggle between models instead of replacing the existing model. See the NER and reading comprehension demos for an example.
If your task is not implemented in the AllenNLP demos, we will need to create code to query the model, as well as the create the front-end JavaScript/HTML to display the predictions, interpretations, and attacks. We will use Sentiment Analysis as a running example.
Here is a pull request that implements the below steps. Feel free to follow that PR as a guide.
Fork and clone allennlp-demo and follow the installation instructions.
Add the path to your trained model using a
. For example, we will add
"sentiment-analysis": {
"archive_file": "",
"predictor_name": "text_classifier",
"max_request_length": 1000
Make sure text_classifier
matches the name from your AllenNLP predictor. In our case, the predictor class should have @Predictor.register('text_classifier')
at the top.
consider adding a log of your model's outputs. Search forlog_blob
in thepredict
function for an example of how to do this. -
The backend is now set up. Now let's create the front end for your model. Add your model under its associated category in the
object indemo/src/models.js
{model: "sentiment-analysis", name: "Sentiment Analysis", component: SentimentAnalysis}
Also make sure to import your component at the top of the file.
- Create a new JavaScript file for your model in
. The JavaScript follows a basic template that can be copied from other files. See the Sentiment Analysis front end for an example template.
You can find more information about the front end creation at the bottom of the README.
Here we describe the steps to add a new interpretation/attack method to AllenNLP, as well as how to create the corresponding front-end visualization.
We will walk through adding the SmoothGrad gradient-based interpretation method from scratch. We will first modify the AllenNLP repo to create the interpretation method. Then, we will modify the AllenNLP Demo repo to create the front-end visualization.
Fork and clone AllenNLP and install it from source using
pip install --editable
, so that the library is editable. -
The interpretations live inside
. Create a new file for your interpretation method inside that folder, e.g.,allennlp/allennlp/interpret/saliency_interpreters/
. Now, implement the code for your interpretation method. In SmoothGrad's case, we average the over many noisy versions of the input. As a guide, you can copy another method's code (e.g., Integrated Gradient atallennlp/allennlp/interpret/saliency_interpreters/
) and modify it accordingly. The general structure for the file is:
from allennlp.interpret.saliency_interpreters.saliency_interpreter import SaliencyInterpreter
from allennlp.common.util import JsonDict
# include any other imports you may need here
class MyFavoriteInterpreter(SaliencyInterpreter):
def __init__(self, predictor: Predictor) -> None:
# local variables here
def saliency_interpret_from_json(self, inputs: JsonDict) -> JsonDict:
# ** implement your interpretation technique here **
You can see the final code for SmoothGrad here.
Add your new class to the
file inallennlp/allennlp/interpret/saliency_interpreters/
. In our case we add the linefrom allennlp.interpret.saliency_interpreters.smooth_gradient import SmoothGradient
. -
You are done with the interpretation method! Let's move on to the front-end visualizations. We will demonstrate how to add SmoothGrad to the Sentiment Analysis demo. First, fork and clone the AllenNLP Demo repo.
, import SmoothGradient at the top:from allennlp.interpret.saliency_interpreters import SmoothGradient. Then, register the Interpreter for Smoothgrad in
make_app(): add
app.interpreters[name]['smooth_gradient'] = SmoothGradient(predictor)` at the bottom of the function. -
Add your interpretation method's name to
. And add a header title for your method hereallennlp-demo/demo/src/components/Saliency.js
. -
Add the call to the reusable visaulization component in the demo front-end. For example, SmoothGrad is implemented alongside Integrated Gradients in the
constant insideallennlp-demo/demo/src/components/demos/SentimentAnalysis.js
. Now you are done! Start the demo, and look inside Sentiment Analysis for the SmoothGrad visualizations.
Step 0: Some Conventions
: a JSON object representing data you send over the wire to the APIresponseData
: a JSON object representing the response from the API
Step 1: Title and Description
The title is just a string:
const title = "Reading Comprehension"
and the description as just JSX (or some other element):
const description = (
Reading Comprehension (RC) ... etc ... etc ...
If the description is long, add the descriptionEllipsed as just JSX (or some other element):
const descriptionEllipsed = (
Reading Comprehension… // Note: ending in a …
Step 2: Input Fields
Unless you are doing something outlandish, you can just specify the input fields declaratively:
const fields = [
{name: "passage", label: "Passage", type: "TEXT_AREA", placeholder: `"Saturn is ... "`}
{name: "question", label: "Question", type: "TEXT_INPUT", placeholder: `"What does ... "`}
Currently the only other fields implemented are a "SELECT"
and a "RADIO"
which take an options
parameter specifying its choices.
Step 3: Examples
All of our demos have a dropdown with pre-written examples to run through the model. These are specified as you'd expect:
const examples = [
{passage: "A reusable launch system ... ", question: "How many ... "},
{passage: "Robotics is an ... ", question: "What do robots ... "}
Notice that the keys of the examples correspond to the field names.
Step 4: Endpoint
The endpoint should be specified as a function that takes requestData
and returns a URL.
In most cases this will be a constant function; however, if you wanted your demo to query different endpoints
based on its inputs, that logic would live here:
const apiUrl = () => `http://my-api-server:8000/predict/reading-comprehension`
Step 5: The Demo Output
Notice that we haven't actually built out the demo part of the demo.
Here's where we do that, as a React component.
This component will receive as props the requestData
(that is, the JSON that was sent to the API)
and the responseData
(that is, the JSON that was received back from the API).
The output for this model will contain an OutputField
with the answer,
another OutputField
containing the passage itself (with the answer highlighted),
and a third OutputField
containing some visualizations of model internals.
(You don't have to use OutputField
, but it looks nice.)
const Output = ({ requestData, responseData }) => {
const { passage } = requestData
const { answer } = responseData
const start = passage.indexOf(answer);
const head = passage.slice(0, start);
const tail = passage.slice(start + answer.length);
return (
<div className="model__content answer answer">
<OutputField label="Answer">
<OutputField label="Passage Context">
<span className="highlight__answer">{answer}</span>
Step 6: The Demo Component
There is a pre-existing Model
component that handles all of the inputs and outputs.
We just need to pass it the things we've already defined as props
const modelProps = {apiUrl, title, description, descriptionEllipsed, fields, examples, Output}
Your modelProps
needs to have these exact names, as that's what the Model
component is expecting.
The demo uses react-router, so we wrap our component in withRouter
and export it:
export default withRouter(props => <Model {...props} {...modelProps}/>)