An AWS CloudFormation template to build an S3 static website behind a Cloudfront distribution.
You need an existing Route53 Hosted Zone to reference, as well as the ARN for an existing ACM certificate that matches the domain you want. It can be a wildcard cert.
- SiteHostName: The "hostname" portion of the URL for the S3 Static Site you are creating. For example, if you were creating the site, the hostname portion is www.
- SiteDomainName: The "domain name" portion of the URL for the S3 Static Site you are creating. For example, if you were creating the site\, the domain name portion is The domain\nname should NOT end in a period.
- CertArn: The ARN for the ACM Certificate to be used on this site's Cloudfront distribution.
The stack build will take 30+ minutes, due to the length of time Cloudfront takes to provision.
% aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name example-stack \
--template-body file://s3-static-site.yaml \
Copy static assets directly into your S3 bucket. Make sure it is set to be publicly readable.
andy@shoggoth:s3-static-site$ aws s3 cp index.html s3:// --acl public-read
upload: ./index.html to s3://