
Source code for paper: Improving Experience Replay with Successor Representation

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Supplementary Material

This is the code base for our paper Improving Experience Replay with Successor Representation. There are three parts each corresponding to one algorithm: Prioritized Sweeping with Successor Representation (PS-SR), tabular PER with SR (Vanilla PER-SR), and original PER with SR (PER-SR).


Install dopamine. Make sure to follow the instructions and install the Atari environments.

Prioritized Sweeping with SR (PS-SR)

We experiment our new version of PS-SR using the Dyna Maze experiment used by Sutton and Barto. This corresponds to Section 4.1 in our paper.

  • run PS_dynamaze.ipynb to start the experiment and see the plot

Tabular PER with SR (Vanilla PER-SR)

We replicate the experiment of the vanilla PER without neural networks. This corresponds to Section 4.2 in our paper.

  • run vanilla_PER_cliffwalk.ipynb to run Cliffwalk experiment and see the plot

PER with SR (PER-SR)

For PER-SR, we use the Atari benchmarks. This corresponds to Section 4.3 and Section 5 in our paper.

  • atari_plots.ipynb: the jupyter notebook to generate plots from data in folder running-data.
  • train_dopamine_per.py: the file for running 200 iterations of a specific Atari game using PER, save data to running-data/prioritized_dqn/GAME for the game specified in variable GAME.
  • train_dopamine_norm.py: similar to train_dopamine_per.py, runs the PER-SR algorithm.

To run the Atari experiments, follow the steps below:

  • Make sure dopamine is installed correctly in the "Dependencies" step.
  • Change the GAME variable in file train_dopamine_norm.py to the desired Atari game.
  • Run command python train_dopamine_norm.py. Similar for train_dopamine_per.py.