HydroGeoSphere Language Grammar VScode extension


This extension can do codehighlighting / 'syntax'-highlighting for HydroGeoSphere input files (grok).


same as offical repo

  • everything between "Skip on" and "Skip off" is greyed out as a block comment;
  • the "problem description" at the beginning is greyed out as a block comment;
  • comments indicated by a "!" are greyed out (as comments);
  • file endings (.txt, etc.) of input files are coloured;
  • numbers are highlighted;
  • domain names (porous medium, surface, etc.) are highlighted;
  • certain keywords ('end', 'clear', 'choose') are highlighted;
  • Unlike offical grammer ,this extension see 'solute' and 'boundary condition' as keywords

Known Issues

You tell me.

In 简体中文 README-ZH has more information and I'm sorry for my poor English
