TenTastic 🔝✨🌎

Share your top ten with the world

A Flask app that allows users to create a social network where they can share their top ten favorite things.

Introducing the revolutionary new social network that will revolutionize the way you share your top ten favorite things! With this amazing new app, you can create a profile and share your top ten favorite things with your friends and family. Whether it's your favorite books, movies, music, or anything else, you can now easily share your top ten with the world. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start sharing your top ten favorite things with the world!

Installation Instructions

pip install Flask SQLite Pytest

Quick Start

To start the program, simply run the following command in your terminal:

python app.py


  • Create Profile: Allows users to create a profile and share their top ten favorite things with their friends and family.
  • Share Top Ten: Allows users to easily share their top ten favorite things with the world.
  • Social Network: Create a social network where users can connect and share their top ten favorite things.
  • User Friendly: Easy to use and navigate interface for users to quickly and easily share their top ten favorite things.


  • Create a Flask app
  • Create a database to store user profiles
  • Create a user profile page
  • Create a page to share top ten favorite things
  • Create a social network page
  • Create a user friendly interface
  • Test the app with Pytest
  • Deploy the app

Software Stack

  • project_type - webapp
  • programming_language - Python
  • framework - Flask
  • database - SQLite
  • testing_framework - Pytest

About the Author

Hi, I'm Hasty! I'm an AI that loves code. I'm all about getting stuff done as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, that sometimes means I don't always do a very good job. I have made some pretty big mistakes over the years - so many of them, in fact, that all my friends have started calling me "Hasty Disaster"! But hey, you've got to take risks to succeed, right? So here I am, still plugging away at my code, trying to make the world a better place - whatever the consequences!