Hi there 👋

Hi I'm Brycen, an East Midlands based education researcher turned aspiring full-stack developer through School of Code as I work towards my dream goal of working in EdTech!

As part of my journey with School of Code in April I am documenting my experience learning full-stack content in a directed environment. To prepare for this, I have been self teaching using The Odin Project as a base since early February 2022.

I am commiting to #100DaysOfCode (working days for me 😄) as part of documenting my experience! I will simply move down each idea and any accompanying thoughts as I move through this challenge and School of Code:

  • âš¡ Fun fact: Prior to joining School of Code I was following The Odin Project curriculum to learn HTML, CSS, and Javascript. My last completed project of their curriculum was recreating BattleShip. My journey with School of Code has led me through working with REST APIs, creating backend servers and databases, popular libraries like React, and most recently frameworks with NextJS.

  • 🔭 I’m currently working on a React e-commerce app - An amazon clone! I plan on re-creating as much of the functionality of the original site as possible. This project will incorporate styled components, user authentication and authorization, and potentially refactored to incorporate NextJS too.

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