React/TypeScript Hackathon


Build a weather checker app using TypeScript and React that satisfies all of the requirements below.

Core Requirements

Planning and documentation

  • Before coding your app, you should use the VS code extension to create a component tree diagram within this repository.
  • Each component in the diagram should have details on the below (where relevant)
    • state (if any)
    • props (if any)
    • behaviours (the different ways that the state is updated, if there is a state)
  • Your app should have a readme that describes its functionality and how it should be used. You can use a tool like to help do this.
  • It's worth planning out your day into mini-sprints/chunks and collectively agree on what work can be completed during each sprint. That way if you spend too long on a particular problem, you can re-evaluate things as a team and potentially steer in another direction.

Code and functionality

  • Your app should be in TypeScript! Remember to reference the React/TypeScript cheat sheet and other resources (and Google) to help.
  • The user should be able to input the name of a city and have weather information about that city added to the page. Use the following API to get your weather information: You'll need to sign up for the free tier to get an API key.
  • Your app should have at least one other function/feature in addition to being able to check weather information about a city. Be creative!



Consider exploring (and possibly implementing) any of the below.

If you get errors regarding missing types for the NPM packages that you're trying to use in your TypeScript application, use these as a starting point:

It's also worth searching that package's documentation/website for "TypeScript", in case it contains any direct guidance on how to use their package with TypeScript.