
A simple, secure and modern encryption tool with small explicit keys, no config options, and UNIX-style composability.

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

rage: Rust implementation of age

age is a simple, secure and modern encryption tool with small explicit keys, no config options, and UNIX-style composability. The format specification is at age-encryption.org/v1.

rage is a Rust implementation of the age tool. It is pronounced like the Japanese らげ (with a hard g).

To discuss the spec or other age related topics, please email the mailing list at age-dev@googlegroups.com. age was designed by @Benjojo12 and @FiloSottile.

The reference interoperable Golang implementation is available at filippo.io/age.


Usage: rage [OPTIONS] [INPUT]

Positional arguments:
  INPUT                      file to read input from (default stdin)

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help                 print help message
  -V, --version              print version info and exit
  -d, --decrypt              decrypt the input (default is to encrypt)
  -p, --passphrase           use a passphrase instead of public keys
  --max-work-factor WF       maximum work factor to allow for passphrase decryption
  -a, --armor                create ASCII armored output (default is age binary format)
  -r, --recipient RECIPIENT  recipient to encrypt to (may be repeated)
  -i, --identity IDENTITY    identity to decrypt with (may be repeated)
  -o, --output OUTPUT        output to OUTPUT (default stdout)

Multiple recipients

Files can be encrypted to multiple recipients by repeating -r/--recipient. Every recipient will be able to decrypt the file.

$ rage -o example.png.age -r age1uvscypafkkxt6u2gkguxet62cenfmnpc0smzzlyun0lzszfatawq4kvf2u \
    -r age1ex4ty8ppg02555at009uwu5vlk5686k3f23e7mac9z093uvzfp8sxr5jum example.png


Files can be encrypted with a passphrase by using -p/--passphrase. By default rage will automatically generate a secure passphrase.

$ rage -p -o example.png.age example.png
Type passphrase (leave empty to autogenerate a secure one): [hidden]
Using an autogenerated passphrase:
$ rage -d -p example.png.age >example.png
Type passphrase: [hidden]

SSH keys

As a convenience feature, rage also supports encrypting to ssh-rsa and ssh-ed25519 SSH public keys, and decrypting with the respective private key file. (ssh-agent is not supported.)

$ cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIIZDRcvS8PnhXr30WKSKmf7WKKi92ACUa5nW589WukJz str4d@internet.arpa
$ rage -r "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIIZDRcvS8PnhXr30WKSKmf7WKKi92ACUa5nW589WukJz" example.png > example.png.age
$ rage -d -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 example.png.age > example.png

ssh-rsa support is currently behind the unstable feature flag.

Note that SSH key support employs more complex cryptography, and embeds a public key tag in the encrypted file, making it possible to track files that are encrypted to a specific public key.


On macOS or Linux, you can use Homebrew:

brew tap str4d.xyz/rage https://str4d.xyz/rage
brew install rage

On Windows, Linux, and macOS, you can use the pre-built binaries.

If your system has Rust 1.37+ installed (either via rustup or a system package), you can build directly from source:

cargo install rage

Note: previously the rage suite of tools was provided in the age Rust crate. This is no longer the case; age now only contains the Rust library.

Help from new packagers is very welcome.

Feature flags

  • mount enables the rage-mount tool, which can mount age-encrypted TAR or ZIP archives as read-only. It is currently only usable on Unix systems, as it relies on libfuse.

  • unstable enables in-development functionality. Anything behind this feature flag has no stability or interoperability guarantees.


Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.