
Extract, Transform, and Load

Primary LanguageGo


Extract, transform, and load from a local or remote database into a local sqlite database.

Program requires a config.json in root directory:

	"password" : "MyPassword!123",
	"port"     : 1433,
	"server"   : "myserver.database.windows.net",
	"user"     : "UserMe",
	"database" : "demoDB"

Build and run the program.

When you see terminal prompt azure ~>, proceed using SQL.

Special commands:

  • run query.sql executes code in ./sql/query.sql and displays results in terminal
  • export query.sql results.json executes code in ./sql/query.sql and writes results to file results.json
  • exit or quit will close the terminal, exit the program, and return you to the command line

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