
IRKit CLI (work in progress)

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Now that IRKit service has been discontinued, this guide assumes you've managed to flash the firmware to no longer require internet connection (English, Japanese). I'd recommend auto-translating the Japanese page and using that.


git clone https://github.com/brymck/irkit-cli
cd irkit-cli
go build .

If you're just setting up Wi-Fi connectivity or have reset your IRKit, you can connect to its network (usually named something like IRKitABCD with a default password of XXXXXXXXXX if you've flashed the firmware and reset) and set the Wi-Fi details with something like

./irkit-cli wifi --ssid yournetwork --password yourpassword --wpa

Note that this assumes points to your IRKit.

Now that you've reconnected to your usual Wi-Fi network, you can now configure the name of your IRKit (run dns-sd -B _irkit._tcp):

./irkit-cli config --name 

You can listen for infrared with

./irkit-cli messages

And then you can send the payload with

./irkit-cli messages --content <payload>