Calliope model, specific to a (illustrative) district in Bangalore, India.
For more information on the model structure and general use of Calliope, see the documentation.
This model has been used for two papers to date. Each uses a different version of Calliope. Installation and run instructions are given below.
If you use this model or work derived from it in an academic publication, please cite the most recent paper in the below list.
Paper citation: B. Pickering, R. Choudhary. Mitigating risk in district-level energy investment decisions by scenario optimisation, In: Proceedings of the 4th IBPSA-England Conference BSO 2018, Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 2018
This paper ran on a release candidate of Calliope 0.6.0. To install, download the BSO2018.yml
requirements file found in the requirements
directory of this repository. Install it by using the Calliope development environment instructions:
$ conda env create -f BSO2018.yml
The notebook 'BSO2018' will guide you through building the model. As we use predefined clusters, this version of Calliope requires manually setting up the model with the full (mean demand) timeseries before editing the time dimension to match the typical days used in the modelling.
- Native Calliope plotting will not work in most cases, due to the existence of the 'scenario' dimension.
- Since the release of Calliope 0.6.0 and subsequent releases (at the time of writing) up to 0.6.2, there have been improvements, including mathematical formulation inconsistencies. This model will be re-run once the scenario optimisation branch has been fully incorporated in a stable Calliope release.
2. District energy system optimisation under uncertain demand: handling data-driven stochastic profiles
Paper citation: (Under review) B. Pickering, R. Choudhary. District energy system optimisation under uncertain demand: handling data-driven stochastic profiles, Applied Energy (2018)
This paper ran on a development version of Calliope 0.6.3. To install, download the DMUU.yml
requirements file found in the requirements
directory of this repository. Install it by using the Calliope development environment instructions:
$ conda env create -f DMUU.yml
The notebook 'DMUU' will guide you through building the model.
- Native Calliope plotting will not work in most cases, due to the existence of the 'scenario' dimension.
- This model is simpler to build than model 1, as user-defined clusters can be loaded directly into Calliope.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.