Former Energy Systems researcher at ETH Zürich, now jointly an Urban Energy Consultant at Arup and Assistant Professor at the University of Cambridge.
@arup-group London, UK
brynpickering's Followers
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- adamsuskiImperial College London/World Bank
- ahilbersAmsterdam, Netherlands
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- AndreasWillibaldWeberUniversity of Passau, Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics, Chair of Computer Engineering
- breeze-zhaofei
- c-jordiOptiml AG
- cemgundoganEuropean Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- Elgenied
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- james-morrison-mowi
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- JosePazNogueraLondon, UK
- kiplabat
- lapersancICTA-UAB
- luzguiFaculdade de Ciências da ULisboa
- matteodefeliceRabobank
- mhdellaUNC Charlotte
- MohamedAbuella
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- Pirouz-NourianGenesis Laboratory of Generative Systerms and Sciences
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- Sourena-Sami
- standardgalacticXanadu
- tommylees112University of Oxford
- Valenttina
- VivienneFan
- vtulusETH Zürich
- wonjun-labbetlab, dartwork
- wwwuFei
- yiqiaowang-archETH Zurich