
An action to generate a single executable application using Node.JS 20+

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Node.js SEA (Single Executable Application) Action

GitHub Super-Linter CI

What does this do?

This action takes a bundled JS file and creates a Node.js SEA.

What does this not do?

  • Bundle your JS, you need to bundle your application into a single js file with something like esbuild
  • Support importing/requiring npm modules, everything needs to be baked into the bundle, you can include additional assets available through the SEA API but thats it.
  • Sign Code, it takes the steps to strip the original Node.js signature to give a blank canvas for signing but leaves code signing, if needed, to you.
  • Cross Compilation, the SEA generated will match the arch of the GitHub runner, if you need arm64, you'll need to run the action on a arm64 runner.


To include the action in a workflow in another repository, you can use the uses syntax with the @ symbol to reference a specific branch, tag, or commit hash.

  name: Build SEA
      os: [ubuntu-latest]
  runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
    - name: Checkout
      id: checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v4

    - name: Setup Node.js
      id: setup-node
      uses: actions/setup-node@v4
        node-version-file: .node-version
        cache: npm

    - name: Find Node
      id: find-node
        echo "node=$(node -e 'console.log(process.argv[0]);')" >>

    - name: SEA
      id: sea
      uses: bryopsida/node-sea-action@v1
        working-dir: .
        output-dir: build
        executable-name: sea
        sea-config-path: test-app/sea-config.json
        node-path: ${{ steps.find-node.outputs.node }}

    - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
        name: ${{ matrix.os }}-sea
        path: build/
        if-no-files-found: error