
Native reason + JSOO performance benchmarking tools

Primary LanguageReason


Native Reason + JSOO Cross-Platform Performance Benchmarking Tools


A key value proposition of native Reason is building fast, native apps.

However, apps and tools can often start out fast when they are simple - but decay as more features and complexity are added.

reperf is inspired by the core_bench tools from Janestreet. Unfortunately, at least at time of writing, the core_bench OPAM package does not work on Windows. (Or rather - its dependencies, like spawn do not work on Windows).


reperf helps with the following:

  • Timing - how much time am I spending in a code block?
  • Call count - how often is this code-path being called?
  • Allocations - how is a code-block impacting the garbage collector?

In addition, reperf supports benchmarks, which are test cases that exercise performance scenarios. reperf can output a JSON performance report, and compare it with previous iterations - and fail if a regression is detected. This helps you keep your app fast!



MIT License