
Microsoft AutoUpdate Cache Admin

Primary LanguageShell


Microsoft AutoUpdate Cache Admin

Purpose: Downloads MAU collateral and packages from the Office CDN to a local web server
Usage: MAUCacheAdmin --CachePath: [--CheckInterval:] [--HTTPOnly] [--NoCollateral]
Example: MAUCacheAdmin --CachePath:/Volumes/web/MAU/cache --CheckInterval:60


A simple systemd server to launch MAUCacheAdmin at boot with a 15 minute interval and auto-restart upon a failure.

This service was written and tested on Ubuntu 16.04 using Nginx. The MAUCacheAdmin script is assumed to be located in /usr/local/. Update these values accordingly.

The ExecStopPost line has an optional mail command to notify an email address if the service stops. Remove this line if you do not wish to use this option.

To use this service write the maucache.service file to /lib/systemd/system/ and run the following commands:

sudo systemctl enable maucache.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start maucache.service
sudo systemctl status maucache.service