
This is a small library to implement token based authentication

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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... Putting a number of small windmills throughout your orchard can scare off the birds ...

What is it?

This is a small library to implement token based authentication

We provide abstractions to implement both the auth server flows and the resource server token validation.

This includes an "out of the box" implementations for both parts using gin framework.

It is possible to use the the TokenServer abstraction to implement the auth server using any other routing framework.

In the future we might provide out of the box implementations for other frameworks.

Implementing an Auth-Server

You will need to provide a few implementations in order to leverage the token flow provided by this lib.

type Authorizer func(uc Credentials) error

This is used to authenticate the user based on the credentials provided by the sender. Credentials exchange is done using the Basic Authentication Scheme.

In addition to the Authorization header you will need to provide a GRANT-TYPE header. You migh define your own Grant-Type, as defaults we provide two options:

  • password_credentials : Intended to be used to authenticate users
  • client_credentials : Ingended to be used in a machine to machine scenario.

You Will need to provide an Authorizer for each GRANT-TYPE.

type ScopeProvider func(userId string, grant string, aud string, requested Scopes) (Scopes, error)

This retrieves, from the requested scopes, the ones that are actually granted for the user and audience combo.

type UserAudValidator func(userId string, grant string, aud string) (bool, error)

This is used to check if the given user+grant is register to access the resource (aud)

type ClaimProvider func(identifier string, aud string) ([]Claim, error)

Retrieves a list of custom Claims you might want to add to the default claims.


To register the endpoints necessary to run an auth server using gin just call

    ginAuth, err := auth.BasicGinAuth(&auth.GinAuthConfig{
            UsrAuthorizer:     ..., // Users Authorizer
            ClientAuthorizer:  ..., // M2M Authorizer
            ScopeProvider:     ...
            AudValidator:      ...
            ClaimProvider:      ...
            SigningKey:         ...
            AccessTknDuration:  ...
            RefreshTknDuration: ...
            AppId:              ..})

	if err != nil {

    router := gin.New()
    api := router.Group("/api")
    v1 := api.Group("/v1")
    ginAuth.AddAuthProtocol(v1, auth.NewAuthServerMiddleware())

This will add 4 endpoints:


GET to authenticate an user. As optional query parameters you can pass :

  • scope coma separated list of scopes you want for the user
  • aud the final resource server id that will read the access token. If none is provided the default value is the auth-server id.

You must include the Authentication and GRANT-TYPE headers

    "access_token": "...",
    "refresh_token": "..."

GET - Retrieves a new pair of access_token and refresh_token. As additional query params it takes:

  • scope coma separated list of scopes you want for the user

You must include the Authentication with bearer data.

    "access_token": "...",
    "refresh_token": "..."

GET - Retrieves a new access_token only. As additional query params it takes:

  • scope coma separated list of scopes you want for the user

You must include the Authentication with bearer data.

    "access_token": "...",

GET - Retrieves the public key of teh signing key used to sign the tokens. The public key exposed is a pem encoded string.

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Alternative usages

You can register only the endoints you want by calling specific functions for each method.

Also, if you want to provide another Authenticator configuration, instead of calling BasicGinAuth you can call

func NewGinAuth(authorizers map[string]Authorizer, clProv ClaimProvider,
	signer TokenSigner, scopes ScopeProvider, clients UserAudValidator) (GinAuth, error) {


Very basic Auth-Server example

Gin - Resource Server

You would just need to add a middleware to validate the access_token and declare the required scopes to access a given path.

route.Use(auth.NewBasicMiddleware(func() *ecdsa.PublicKey {
		pub, err := keys.ReadRemotePublicKey("http://localhost:8080/api/v1/public_key")
		if err != nil {
		return pub
	}, "API1"))

route.GET("/hello", auth.WithScopes(func(context *gin.Context) {
		context.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"health": "Hello there common user!"})
	}, "read:api"))

The NewBasicMiddleware function receives a function to retrieve the public key associated with the signing key of the token. Also, it takes the external id of your resource server.

If you want to add your own validations for the claims in the token, you can use

   func NewAuthMiddleware(pubKey func() *ecdsa.PublicKey, validations ...ClaimValidation) func(ctx *gin.Context) {

That function receives as many ClaimValidation as you want.


Very basic Resourece-Server example