
Demo for Slovak Scala User Group

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Demo for Slovak Scala User Group showing:

  • camel routes written in scala
  • integration of camel and akka

What you need to run it

  • PostgreSQL installation (see scala-camel-router/src/main/scala/camel/slick.scala)
  • ActiveMQ
    • download
    • start
    • manually create queues: updateToPlay, updateFromPlay

What it does and how

camel-scala-router is a standalone router that waits for incoming files in data/incoming. Once a file is dropped into data/incoming (e.g. data.txt) AND data.txt.ready files exists in the same location router processes the incoming file.

The expected format of the file is:

  • 3 lines
  • 1st line: match id (see slick.scala)
  • 2nd line: time in format hh:mm:dd
  • 3rd line: score

Once the file is processed it is saved into the DB, then a message is sent via JMS (ActiveMQ) to play application's actor that use play camel plugin

camel-scala-play is a play application that:

  • can receive messages from scala router via JMS.
  • it displays hockey match scores
  • it can update the score of a match
  • when score update is received scores are updates using WebScokets so users can see changes live