- 1
Incompatible with Gnome 42.4
#67 opened by hmcezar - 1
- 0
Read gnome todo tasks
#65 opened by Cristuker - 0
Gnome 41 support
#64 opened by rastersoft - 1
Not working on gnome-shell 3.28.4
#57 opened by rain-manek - 2
Gnome 40 support
#60 opened by bagage - 0
Gradient Background of Text Input
#56 opened by velitasali - 4
Crashes after installation
#55 opened by atanaschristov - 2
Where does it store its settings?
#54 opened by tiotrom - 5
Not working in Gnome 3.32
#53 opened by tiotrom - 2
Unable to Install in Ubuntu 17.10
#51 opened by AlisaMaas - 2
Unable to show in the GNOME Tweak Tool
#52 opened by jufei - 2
Not getting installed on my Ubuntu 17.10
#50 opened by murshid1988 - 1
connect with Gtasks
#44 opened by oceatoon - 1
- 15
Extension not installed after switch on
#40 opened by waldyd - 2
Shell.KeybindingMode is undefined
#47 opened by davegregg - 1
Ca marche pas
#45 opened by Narthe - 3
Support for Gnome 3.16
#38 opened by googol42 - 0
- 1
- 2
Keyboard shortcut is not working
#29 opened by semente - 5
Can't create more then 30 tasks
#34 opened by ndias - 6
Edit/Done Button
#4 opened by mhellmeier - 2
Panel label not vertically aligned
#32 opened by beanaroo - 1
Integration with Third Party Apps
#19 opened by twoflowers - 5
doesn't work with 3.12
#33 opened - 2
Extension is not available on 3.10
#28 opened by bwrsandman - 0
Option to change ~/.list.tasks path
#30 opened by semente - 2
Cannot install on Gnome 3.8 (Ubuntu 13)
#26 opened by shaneonabike - 1
Can't add item start with "#"
#16 opened by mengzhuo - 1
Add a way to sync our todo lists?
#3 opened by varemenos - 1
Syncing with Google Tasks
#24 opened by orschiro - 0
Multiple lists
#18 opened by akiross - 2
Lost tasks when update
#13 opened by bsaleil - 1
- 1
Global Shortcut key for quick access
#12 opened by oae - 1
Set a max height and scrollbar on tasks
#14 opened by bsaleil - 1
Autofocus to "New task..." textbox
#11 opened by oae - 2
"Return" key press event doesn't trigger
#7 opened by alexeevdv - 3
3.6 support
#5 opened by varemenos