This project tried to predict whether applicants will be successful if funded by the Alphabet Soup Co. Alphabet Soup Co. wants to provide funding to companies but it needs to know in advance whether it will be successful or not. Money is on the line here and we would not want for it to go to waste.
For this I will create a neural network by using Data Manipulation, creating training and testing sets, and finally analyzing my models that I have created.
Data Processing
- To clean the data I removed the EIN and NAME columns since they have no value to the model.
- The varibales being considered for my model are as follows: 'STATUS', 'ASK_AMT', 'IS_SUCCESSFUL', 'APPLICATION_TYPE', 'CLASSIFICATION', 'USE_CASE', 'ORGANIZATION', 'INCOME_AMT'. I dropped "USE_CASE_Other","AFFILIATION_Other" columns.
- My Dependent varible is "IS_SUCCESFUL" since we want to try to predict this with high accuracy.
Compiling, Training, and Evaluating the Model Attempt #1
- 2 Hidden Layers
- 80 neurons (Layer1), 30 neurons(Layer2)
- Used Relu and Sigmoid Activations Functions since sigmoid is best for binary classifcation problems as this and relu is for nonlinear datasets.
- Removed "USE_CASE_Other","AFFILIATION_Other" columns.
Attempt #2
- 3 Hidden Layers
- 80 neurons (Layer1), 30 neurons(Layer2), 15 neurons(Layer3)
- Used Relu and Sigmoid Activations Functions since sigmoid is best for binary classifcation problems as this and relu is for nonlinear datasets.
- Removed "USE_CASE_Other","AFFILIATION_Other" columns.
Attempt #3
- 3 Hidden Layers
- 80 neurons(Layer1), 35 neurons(Layer2), 10 neurons (Layer3)
- Used Relu and Sigmoid Activations Functions since sigmoid is best for binary classifcation problems as this and relu is for nonlinear datasets.
- Went back to original dataset
Attempt #4
- 3 Hidden Layers
- 80 neurons (Layer1), 30 neurons(Layer2), 15 neurons (Layer3)
- Reordered Relu and Sigmoid Activations
- Went back to original dataset
I tried to change my models in order to achieve a more than 75% accuracy rate but only got about 73%. I changed my features, activation functions, Hidden Layers, and the number of neurons in order to achieve this. But if one where to get this result it would take longer than a more than expected so I am content with the results I got in one day.
On Average my models kept around 73% accuracy score which is decent considering it was an improvement. My recommendation to improve this model would be to find better features to help explain what determines "IS_SUCCESFUL" such as more indepth knowledge of the other associates/ firms being funded. At the end of the day, knowledge is power and if we had more indepth data between all these applications, we can create a better model.