
Create a ethereum execution and consensus layer testnet genesis and expose it via a webserver for testing purposes

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Create a ethereum consensus/execution layer testnet genesis and optionally expose it via a web server for testing purposes.


You can provide your own configuration directory. Have a look at the example in config-example.

# Create the output directory
mkdir output

# Overwriting the config files and generating the EL and CL genesis
docker run --rm -it -u $UID -v $PWD/output:/data \
  -v $PWD/config-example:/config \
  ethpandaops/ethereum-genesis-generator:latest all

# Just creating the EL genesis
docker run --rm -it -u $UID -v $PWD/output:/data \
  -v $PWD/config-example:/config \
  ethpandaops/ethereum-genesis-generator:latest el

# Just creating the CL genesis
docker run --rm -it -u $UID -v $PWD/output:/data \
  -v $PWD/config-example:/config \
  ethpandaops/ethereum-genesis-generator:latest cl

Environment variables

Name Default Description
SERVER_ENABLED false Enable a web server that will serve the generated files
SERVER_PORT 8000 Web server port

Besides that, you can also use ENV vars in your configuration files. One way of doing this is via the values.env configuration file. These will be replaced during runtime.

Available tools within the image

Name Source
eth2-testnet-genesis https://github.com/protolambda/eth2-testnet-genesis
eth2-val-tools https://github.com/protolambda/eth2-val-tools
zcli https://github.com/protolambda/zcli
el-gen apps/el-gen