
A collection of tools related to index and data management with elasticsearch

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Elastic tools


npm install



Deletes and recreates an index according to a given index spec.

./recreate index-name index-configfile


Performs a scan/scroll query on one index and bulk inserts all data into another.

./reindex -i source-index-name -o dest-index-name [-h host:port]


Parse a delivered synonym list with capitals and special characters with ElasticSearch to a normalized synonym list. By parsing it with elasticsearch we can be sure special characters will be converted like elasticsearch parses strings.

Requires JQ (http://stedolan.github.io/jq/) to be installed on your machine.

You can run the tool with the following cli command: ./parsesynonyms path-to-source-file [elasticsearch-server] [path-to-dest-file]

[elasticsearch-server] defaults to localhost:9200 [path-to-dest-file] defaults to [path-to-source-file]_generated.txt