

TheSportsDB is a project to handle the TheSportsDB API to display the teams of a League and the details of these teams

The project was developed in Android Native with Kotlin using:

  • Clean Architecture
  • Model-View-ViewModel as pattern for the presentation layer
  • Repository pattern for the data layer
  • Coroutines for the async tasks
  • Dagger Hilt for Dependency Injection
  • Retrofit to consume the API Rest
  • Room to persist data locally

Dependencies used

  • Kotlin v1.4.21
  • Dagger Hilt v2.28-alpha
  • ViewModel v2.3.0-rc01
  • Retrofit2 v2.9.0
  • Room v2.2.6
  • Coroutines v1.4.2
  • Glide v4.11.0


  • Minimum version: Android 6 - API level 23