##Functional Spec and Roadmap
- Home screen
- Drill List 1. Title 1. Description
- Add Drill 1. Select drill type? With explanations? Popup fragmen- [ ]
- Go to Freeform timer
- Duration Drill
- Par time
- Duration
- Recovery period
- Start/stop/resume button
- Step Down Drill
- Start par time
- End par time * Modifying any other param updates this * Updating this updates start par
- Step down
- Sets
- Reps per set
- Start/stop/resume button
- Freeform Timer
- Par time
- Recovery time
- Loop infinitely mode
- Calibration Mode 1. Start beep 2. Tap screen anywhere to stop
- Time editing pop-up?
- Tutorial Features
- Instructional videos?
- Help button on each screen?