Peer to peer chat application written in C for CS 3251
Group: Robin Egg Blue Team Members: Charles (Ben) Schmaltz, Alexander Leavitt, Yiqi Chen
run make to compile the code
to run tracker program, it takes in one optional parameter:
./tracker %tracker_port%
This will create two UDP sockets at ports %tracker_port% and %tracker_port+1%. If %tracker_port% is not specified, it uses 8080. So, the ports used are 8080 and 8081
to run peer program, it takes in 3 parameters:
./peer %tracker_ip% %tracker_port% %peer_port%
peer program takes user inputs, and below is the input format:
to request a list of all available rooms and number of peers in each room:
to request to create a new room:
to request to join or switch to a new room:
-j %new_chatroom_number%
to request to leave a room
to send a message to peers in the chatroom:
-m %message_that_you_want_to_send%