
A port of Kelsey Hightower's "Kubernetes the Hard Way" tutorial to Vagrant. – By the Kinvolk team.

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Kubernetes The Hard Way (Vagrant)

Vagrant configuration and scripts for a Kubernetes setup, the hard way.

The setup follows https://github.com/kelseyhightower/kubernetes-the-hard-way with the following exceptions:

  • cri-o is used as a container runtime, not cri-containerd
  • The pod-cidr is 10.2${i}.0.0/16, routes are provisioned from scripts/vagrant-setup-routes.bash automatically
  • For crio, an explicit --stream-address must be set, as the address of the default interface isn't routable (see e.g. config/worker-0-crio.service)
  • is the IP of the loadbalancer (haproxy) for HA controllers

Please note that KTHW is a project to learn Kubernetes from bottom up and is not per se a guide to build clusters for production use!

Requirements Host

  • Vagrant (with VirtualBox)
  • Minimum of 7x 512MB of free RAM
  • cfssl, cfssljson and kubectl (scripts/install-tools can be used to download and install the binaries to /usr/local/bin)



To learn Kubernetes from the bottom up, it's recommended to go through KTHW manually. vagrant up gives you three controller and three worker nodes to do that.

The pod-cidr is 10.2${i}.0.0/16, for which the Vagrant nodes have configured routes (see route -n).

The following KTHW parts can/should be skipped:

  • Everything in regard to the frontend loadbalancer
  • Pod network rules are automatically setup via Vagrant

The scripts in scripts/ loosely match the setup steps in KTHW by Hightower and can be used as reference and/or to save typing. See scripts/setup also.

Single script

vagrant destroy -f   # remove previous setup
./scripts/setup      # takes about 5 minutes or more

If everything looks good, continue with "Using the cluster"

Multiple scripts

Remove previously created certificates, tools kubeconfig files:


Download required tools and files:


Start the virtual machines (optionally, go drink a coffee or tee):

vagrant up
vagrant status

Current machine states:

controller-0              running (virtualbox)
controller-1              running (virtualbox)
controller-2              running (virtualbox)
worker-0                  running (virtualbox)
worker-1                  running (virtualbox)
worker-2                  running (virtualbox)

Generate the required certificates:


Generate the kubeconfig files (as those include copies of the previously generated certificates):


Setup etcd on the controller nodes and verify it has started:

vagrant ssh controller-0
ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl member list

6c500a9f4f9113de, started, controller-0,,
e206d150eae73959, started, controller-2,,
e7e775a3da74a469, started, controller-1,,

Setup the controller services and verify they are up and running:

for c in controller-0 controller-1 controller-2; do vagrant ssh $c -- kubectl get componentstatuses; done

NAME                 STATUS    MESSAGE              ERROR
controller-manager   Healthy   ok
scheduler            Healthy   ok
etcd-1               Healthy   {"health": "true"}
etcd-2               Healthy   {"health": "true"}
etcd-0               Healthy   {"health": "true"}

Create ClusterRole's for kubelet API auth:


Setup the worker binaries, services and configuration:

vagrant ssh controller-0
kubectl get nodes

worker-0   Ready     1m        v1.3.0
worker-1   Ready     55s       v1.3.0
worker-2   Ready     12s       v1.3.0

Configure a kubernetes-the-hard-way context on your host, set it as default and verify everything is ok:


kubectl get componentstatuses
kubectl get nodes

Using the cluster

Setup DNS add-on

Deploy the DNS add-on and verify it's working:

kubectl create -f ./manifests/kube-dns.yaml
kubectl get pods -l k8s-app=kube-dns -n kube-system
kubectl run busybox --image=busybox:1.28 --command -- sleep 3600
POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods -l run=busybox -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}")
kubectl exec -ti $POD_NAME -- nslookup kubernetes

Smoke tests

kubectl create -f ./manifests/nginx.yaml
deployment "nginx" created
service "nginx" created

NODE_PORT=$(kubectl get svc nginx --output=jsonpath='{range .spec.ports[0]}{.nodePort}')
for i in {0..2}; do curl -sS${i}:${NODE_PORT} | awk '/<h1>/{gsub("<[/]*h1>", ""); print $0}'; done
Welcome to nginx!
Welcome to nginx!
Welcome to nginx!

Connect to services from host is the IP range for services. In order to connect to a service from the host, one of the worker nodes (with kube-proxy) must be used as a gateway. Example:

# On Linux
sudo route add -net gw

# On macOS
sudo route -n add -net

Use Traefik loadbalancer

404 page not found

To test traefik is actually doing its job, you can create an ingress rule for the nginx service that you created above:

kubectl apply -f ./manifests/nginx-ingress.yaml
echo " nginx.kthw" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
curl nginx.kthw
<!DOCTYPE html>


Contributions are welcome: KTHW Vagrant is meant to be a learning project and testbed for aspiring Kubernetes operators and CKAs (Certified Kubernetes Administrator).

If you want to contribute code or updates, look for the label good first issue.


Error loading config file "/var/log": read /var/log: is a directory

On OSX, KUBECONFIG apparently needs to be set explicitly. ~/.kube/config is a good place and the default on Linux.