Raspberry Pi Software Library for HamShield. This library implements all of the basic functionality.
The library works by including the Arduino HamShield library as a git submodule, and then compiling Python bindings for it using SWIG. Whenever you rebuild HamShieldPy (after doing a git pull), you should have all of the most recent updates to the Arduino library as well.
Note that AFSK, APRS, and KISS for the Arduino depend upon some AVR specific timers. We're working on updating that functionality so that you can use it with your Raspberry Pi as well, but that's not done yet (ETA is TBD).
This software is released under the MIT license. See the accompanying LICENSE.txt for more details.
wiringPi python
pip install wiringpi2
SWIG (this should be installed with your default Raspbian image)
On your Raspberry Pi, run the following after connecting it to the internet:
mkdir ~/src
cd ~/src
git clone https://github.com/EnhancedRadioDevices/HamShieldPy.git
cd HamShieldPy
git submodule update --init
sudo python setup.py install
At the moment we just have the HandyTalkie and DTMF examples. We'll be slowly porting more examples over the next few months.
You can find all the examples in the Examples directory. They all assume that you're using a HamShieldMini, which doesn't require a reset pin to control it.
The examples directory also includes an Arduino-like template. That example doesn't do much with the HamShield, but if you're familiar with Arduino programming then it will make getting started with HamShieldPy library easier.
HamShieldMini <-> Raspberry Pi
Vin pin 1 (3.3V)
GND pin 6 (GND)
nCS pin 11(wiringPi0)
DAT pin 13(wiringPi2)
CLK pin 15(wiringPi3)
MIC pin 12(wiringPi1, PWM0)
If you're using a HamShield, you'll also want to connect the HamShield's reset line. The examples all have some commented out code in the setup function that will bring the HamShield out of reset.
RST pin 16(wiringPi4)