Training wheels

For checking out a new programming language in some sort of organized way.

With training_wheels, you get a Vagrantfile and a suggested process. To check out a new language (for example, Ruby), you create a subdirectory in this directory named after the language, add a file to provision a bare Ubuntu VM to run the language, and update $lang at the top of the Vagrantfile. Then run vagrant up and you'll have a VM all ready for experimentation.


  1. Write a program that outputs "hello world"
  2. Write a program that takes a filename, writes "hello world" to it, and closes the file
  3. Write a test for the program from #2 and run it
  4. Write a program that hits GitHub's Events API and shows the last 10 events in a nice format
  5. Write a program that stores the last 10 events from GitHub's Events API in Redis/SQLite and returns the total number of events stored
  6. Write a Sinatra-like app that returns "hello world" as a static web page
  7. Write a Sinatra-like app that reads the events (stored in #5) from Redis/SQLite and displays them