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lifeinvader is a twitter inspired, fully responsive full stack social media application built with the following technologies:

  • React
  • JavaScript
  • SCSS
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • MongoDB
  • Passport.js
  • AWS S3

Notable features include:

  • Fully responsive custom css
  • Create, pin, delete, reply to, share and dislike posts
  • Browse latest posts on the homepage, or navigate through post reply chains via a specific post page
  • Infinite scroll / pagination. Load more posts as you reach the bottom of the page
  • Fake lifeinvader store. "Buy" lifeinvader coins to make posts
  • Stalk other users
  • Search users and posts
  • Real time messaging with typing indicator
  • Group chats
  • Real time notifications
  • New message / notification preview popup
  • Upload & crop profile images

