
A course on effective feedback, designed as a project for the CCEIC curricular unit, Fall 2021

Effective Feedback


The purpose of this course is to teach you, both from a theoretical and practical standpoint, how to master the art of effective feedback. Understanding how to give good feedback is an indispensible tool for your career, whatever that may be. Not only will it make you better at communicating appropriately to your peers, manager and team, it will also make you appreciate and comprehend their feedback better.

However, as software engineers we have a particular form of feedback: code review. The process of submitting code for your peers to comment on (or reviewing other's contributions) is a permanent task for us. As such, there are certain specific aspects to code review which we will touch on in this course, in an effort to make it especially relevant and useful for you.

How the course is structured

We have 11 lessons for you, which we designed to be followed sequentially:

  1. Concepts about feedback. Theory Practice
  2. The objective of feedback. Theory Practice
  3. Characteristics of effective feedback. Theory Practice
  4. Pitfalls of innefective feedback. Theory Practice
  5. Specificity of feedback I: differentiating general from specific feedback. Theory Practice
  6. Specificity of feedback II: the trip from general to specific feedback. Theory Practice
  7. Back to the Future IV: the feedforward. Theory Practice
  8. Feedback and feedforward: the differences. Theory Practice
  9. From feedback to feedforward. Theory Practice
  10. Asking for effective feedback. Theory Practice
  11. Code review: the bits and bytes of feedback. Theory Practice This is the extra objective

Each has a theoretical component, followed by a practical component where you can exercise what you just learned. You should submit the practical component by:

  1. Forking this repo on github;
  2. Solving the exercises on any branch other than main;
  3. Create a pull request (to merge the branch into your mainline branch) and add a professor as a reviewer.

This method yields multiple benefits. First, the pull request is the primary tool for code review on github (other platforms have similar features with different names). Second, it allows the professors to give you feedback directly, exercising the types of interactions you will likely have in your professional setting.


We encourage everyone to open an issue with questions or suggestions, and pull requests are appreciated!

Group 85 - Authors

Student # Name Email
89416 Baltasar Dinis baltasar.dinis@tecnico.ulisboa.pt
92449 Diana Moniz dianamoniz@tecnico.ulisboa.pt
101682 Sebastián Chimal sebastianchimal@tecnico.ulisboa.pt

This course was designed in the context of the CCEIC curricular unit, for the Fall 2021 semester at IST Lisbon.


Each lesson has (when required) their own reference sub section. This makes it easier for you to consult the references when reading the texts, makes it clear which references were consulted when designing each part of the course and helps the numbering to be consistently available throughout the couse.