
r2-store is a ransomware resistance document storage system, built to defend against ransomware attacks by replicating the storage and employing consensus to protect the document.


  • Rust v1.48.0
  • OpenSSL (with development headers)


cargo build

Running tests

cargo test


All binaries will be in ./target/debug/

Generate test certificates with test-ca-setup, passing -c <client name> for every client and -s <server hostname> for every server.

Start the identity server: r2-identity <certificate 1> <certificate 2> <certificate 3> ... -l <hostname>:<port> -c <identity cert> -k <identity key>

Start the server: r2-server -c <server cert> -k <server key> -a <ca cert> <host>:<port>

For the client set the relevant environment variables (can also be passed as command line parameters but this is easier):

export R2_AUTH_CERT=<path to clientname-auth.cert.pem>
export R2_AUTH_KEY=<path to clientname-auth.key.pem>
export R2_SIGN_CERT=<path to clientname-sign.cert.pem>
export R2_SIGN_KEY=<path to clientname-sign.key.pem>
export R2_IDENTITY_SERVER=https://<identity server hostname>:<identity server port>
export R2_SERVER=https://<r2 server hostname>:<r2 server port>

A repository can be created with r2 <existing file name> init <initial commit message>.

A repository can be cloned with r2 <dest file name> clone <remote document id>.

Commit data with r2 <dest file name> commit <message>.

Pull changes with r2 <dest file name> pull.

Other commands are available with a similar syntax to their git equivalents (fetch, log, diff, reset).