let socing = 1; // use a variable to check if other rooms have been visited
createRoom("room_name", {
alias: 'The actual room name that will be printed',
headingalias: 'The actual room name that will be printed',
desc: 'Text that will be displayed upon entering the room',
afterFirstEnter: function(){
// stuff inside this function will happen only after the first time the player enters the room
socing = socing*3 // mark the room as visited using prime integer multiplication
afterEnter: function(){
// stuff inside this function will happen every time the player enters the room entering
msg("This will print a message)
dirAlias: 'Origin of the data',
regex:/^(.*)(meeting|thesis)(.*)$/, //regex to match "(any number of symbols) meeting (any number of symbols)" or "(any number of symbols) thesis (any number of symbols)"
synonyms: ['alternative name', 'another alternative name'], //alternative names that may be used by player to enter room
new Exit('next_room'),
new Exit('other_next_room'),
new Exit('conditional_room', {
simpleUse:function(char){ // char = player or another character that the player may ask to go through this exit
if (socing % 30 === 0){ // if condition
return util.defaultSimpleExitUse(char, this) // let the user pass through this Exit
}else if (socing % 210 === 0){
return util.defaultSimpleExitUse(char, new Exit('fake_room')) // if the other condition is met lead them to a different Exit
}else return falsemsg("You can probably still explore a bit more ;)") // otherwise display a message and keep them in current room