
A document and content managment system for small businesses

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense

A FastAPI based multi-user CMS / DMS experiment (content management & document management)

Version 1.4, in beta, looking for issues

All required functionality is in place for secure project document & associated info management with remote located project members

Latest changes

  • A chatbot editor, useful for the creation of conversational agents
  • New site permission: chatbot editor, like an admin, but only for chatbots
  • Renamed chat related API endpoints

webpage screen shot

ChatGPT integration

ChatGPT4 communication flowchart

New API endpoints:

  • /chatbot/ POST to create new chatbot
  • /chatbot/[chatbotid] GET specific chatbot (must have owning project access)
  • /chatbot/project/[projectid] GET all project chatbots
  • /chatbot/[chatbotid] PUT update specific chatbot (must have chatbot edit permission)


  • /aichat/ POST creates a new chatbot conversation
  • /aichat/[chatid] GET gets a chatbot conversation (must have owning project access)
  • /aichat/project/[projectid] GET all project chatbot conversations
  • /aichat/[chatid] PUT update chatbot conversation (ask another question)

Earlier experiments with an 'AI Attorney' proved quite useful. That same 'AI Attorney' is now the default chatbot when creating a project. Chatbots are private to a project, as are their exchanges (conversations.) An example of a custom chatbot might be one tuned with Legal Spanish to Legal English translation.

MiniCMS Features:

  • Duel local and prod docker compose setups
    • FastAPI, Postgresql, SQLAlchemy, Pydantic, Databases
  • User accounts
    • Roles: admin, staff, per-Project access, per project chatbot editor
      • Basically operate as permissions; having a project role indicates project membership and access
    • Email verification
      • Until email verification, user account cannot do much, locked out of projects, which is almost everything
    • Settings page for account mgmnt
      • Password and email change
      • Admins get a few more settings:
        • Enable/disable public registration to website
        • Generate and download a site database backup
        • Review site users, their account settings, account roles, project memberships, and site use history
        • Create new user controls
    • End-user profile pages for end-webmaster to put a GUI for whatever is the purpose behind their using MiniCMS
  • 'Project' content type
    • A collection of uploaded files, memos, comments and AI chats only accessible by Project members
      • See the uploaded files description in the Memo section
    • A Project overview page for description, members, and project files
    • Project Files are isolated, requiring Project membership and Project published status to access Project Files
    • Project editor uses an embedded rich text editor (TinyMCE)
    • Intended to serve as the secure collection point for project information between members potentially in different locations
    • Deleting a Project only deletes empty projects with no Memos or uploaded files
      • Attempts to delete a Project with uploaded files that are checked out for modification error
        • The checked out files must be checked in, or an Admin must cancel their checkout
      • Attempts to delete a Project with content is an archiving operation:
        • The Project itself and its Memos are marked as archived
        • Any files in the Project's upload directory are zip compressed
        • Project members are removed
        • Admins continue to see the Project, but as archived
  • 'Memo' content type
    • Memos are containers for each project's text, image, video, PDF and related info and files
    • Any project information needed by different members should be in a project memo
      • including info for recreating the project later
    • Both Memo and Comment editor use an embedded rich text editor (TinyMCE)
    • title, content text, file uploads, upload embedding, status, access, and tags
      • files may be uploaded
        • which become available as embed links, 'checkout for modification' and download buttons
          • image, video and pdf embeds are working
        • Uploaded files have 'version control'
          • A Project Member is able to check out an uploaded file for modification
          • While 'checked out' other Project Memebers can download the uploaded last version of that file, but they cannot upload a modified version
            • It is clearly identified as 'locked for modification by username'
          • After the 'checked out member' finishes their changes, they can upload the new version
            • This will unlock the file for other Project Members to modify
            • Upon the modified file's upload, the file's version number increments and the older version is archived
        • All uploads go into an isolated Project directory requiring Project Membership to access
      • status can be unpublished, published or archived
        • once published, a memo can no longer be edited by non-admin project members
        • admins can see and edit unpublished and published memos of others
        • admins can see archived Projects and their memos and files, but they cannot be modified
      • configuring access is different between admin and staff
        • admins can set access to: admin, staff, or public
          • admin access is only visible to other admins
          • staff access is visible to admin and staff
          • public access is visible to the public, and staff, but only admins can create public memos
            • I am considering removing public access memos
              • The new Uploaded File security model makes any File embeds problematic
        • staff can only create staff visible memos, so the access controls disappear when a user with only the staff role is editing a memo
  • 'Comment' content type
    • Control for commenting on memos
      • access to a Comment is controlled by the Memo and Project it is associated
    • Comments use a reduced functionality embed of TinyMCE editor, but still allows image, video and pdf embeds
    • Comments, once posted, cannot be edited
    • Support for nested comments is in place, just not completed yet, not sure if necessary
  • 'Chatbot' content type
    • An editor interface to create chatbots
      • Instruction sets to guide a LLM AI how to behave during a natural language exchange
        • i.e. a chat interface on a web site
    • This is an initial, functional interface for further experimentation, it works
  • 'AI Chat' content type
    • A chat interface to a LLM AI chatbot behaving within the role provided by a 'Chatbot'
      • A default Chatbot in the role of a CA Law Professor and Attorney is available
      • The 'Chatbot' content type and it's editor may be used to create additional chatbots
  • 'Tag' content type
    • for unique term management, employed for multiple uses
      • "system tags" are used for
        • "status" (unpublished, published, archived)
        • access permissions (admin, staff, public)
      • Projects each have a Project Tag, defining an access role for that Project
        • Project Tags are used as User Access Roles, as well as Project Memo search terms
  • 'Note' content type
    • Intended for programmatic usage
    • has title, description, and data (JSON) fields
    • currently only used for site's configuration
    • notes do not have a web page GUI for editing them (yet)

Account roles are track admin/staff and unverified (email) statuses, they also hold project memberships. Project memberships are honored by memos, meaning users not members of a project cannot load its memos.

This is a fork of my other repo FastAPI_TDD_Docker, focusing on a more formal CMS experience (without going to far.) From that other repo are tests, yet to be updated to this repo, untested backups, and a Traefik https config for prod. Soon those will get attention.

webpage screen shot

A Project page showing the project description (top), members, uploaded files, memo links, and the AI Attorney access

webpage screen shot

The experimental AI Attorney page; it carries extened conversations with CA legal knowledge.

webpage screen shot

A detail on the rich text editor, with the usual expected rich editing widgets, plus image, video embed controls

webpage screen shot

A published memo, with the comment editor and upload file controls

webpage screen shot

The admin settings page. Each user's settings is similar, just fewer things for non-admins