
An R script that runs as a service waiting for custom comutnication protocol in the clipboard to run R functions an return results in to the clipboard

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R Clipboard Daemon

ClipD.R (R Clipboard Deamon) 
	- using a custom simple fairly safe server client clipboard communication protocol.
	(SFSSCC = cc323f83-592b-4f20-a0d4-48b7c5c51a30)

Uses: ClipD.R VBA.Module:basRClipboardDeamon


Currently nothing here works!


Communicating between applications over the clipboard has many disadvantages, but can be very fast. The user should allway understand that using the clipboard durring application data transfer could break things. The client and server service should be written in such a maner to identify when information is comming to each and take action on the clipboard as fast as possible to minimize user interaction with the clipboard.

This method should only be used over writing to the file system is speed is the priority, and communications via sockets/shared memory is prevented due to platform, technology, or security constrainsts.

Protocol: We are using a UUID for this protocol of "'cc323f83-592b-4f20-a0d4-48b7c5c51a30' followed by the 'message', 'from', 'to' all seperated by periods'.' to the clipboard. The from and to are unique identifier for the running application usually just the PID. MS Excel can have many workbooks open under the same PID so we append the workbook name to it's PID with spaces and periods removed.

Our Custom Communication protocol:


* clip_d UUDI.Message.From.To

Nomenclature Descrption:

* "UUID for SFSSCC"."Message For Actions To Be Performed With Incoming Data"."From's PID"."To PID"


Excell needs the R scrip to process data in the clipboard and return the results to the clipboard

[Data written to clipboard by excel client, R-Server with PID 112 reads the data and replys back with]
[Results written to clipboard by R-Server, Excel reads data from clipboard and replys]


  • Att = Give me your full attention (and PID/Name)
  • Ack = Acknowledged
  • Post(NamedProcess) = I'm about to write to the clipboard, process data by named procedure
  • Post = I'm about to write to the clipboard

UUID for SFSSCC.R PID.Action cc323f83-592b-4f20-a0d4-48b7c5c51a30

In R we get this sessions PID with:


In Excel we get this sessions PID and workbook name with:

Option Explicit

Private Declare Function GetCurrentProcessId Lib "kernel32" () As LongPtr

Public Function ThisWorkbookPid() As String
    ThisWorkbookPidAndName = GetCurrentProcessId
End Function

Public Function ThisWorkbookPidAndName() As String
    ThisWorkbookPidAndName = _
		ThisWorkbookPid & Replace( _
			Replace( _
				ThisWorkbook.name, " ", vbNullString _
			), ".", vbNullString
End Function

In R we can readfrom and write to the clipboard using


Generating UUIDs, and GUIDs

We will be using a UUID to unsure that we know what's in the clipboard is for communication. We will be using UUIDs for unique identifiers, with hyphens without braces.

In R we can use

UUIDgenerate(FALSE) # Random based UUID 
UUIDgenerate(TRUE) # Time based UUID

In VBA we will use this function:

Public Function CreateGUIDv4( _
    Optional fIncludeBraces As Boolean = False, _
    Optional fIncludeHyphens As Boolean = True) _
As String
    'Modified by jeremy.gerdes@navy.mil from https://stackoverflow.com/a/46474125
    'This creates a V4 (pseudo-random number generated) GUID/UUID per RFC 4122 section 4.4
    'Alternatively we can use this formula:
	Do While Len(CreateGUIDv4) < 32
	If Len(CreateGUIDv4) = 16 Then
	    '17th character holds version information
	    CreateGUIDv4 = CreateGUIDv4 & Hex$(8 + CInt(Rnd * 3))
	End If
	CreateGUIDv4 = CreateGUIDv4 & Hex$(CInt(Rnd * 15))
    Dim strLeftBrace As String
    Dim strRightBrace As String
    Dim strHyphen As String
    If fIncludeBraces Then
	strLeftBrace = "{"
	strRightBrace = "}"
	strLeftBrace = vbNullString
	strRightBrace = vbNullString
    End If
    If fIncludeHyphens Then
	strHyphen = "-"
	strHyphen = vbNullString
    End If
    CreateGUIDv4 = _
    strLeftBrace & Mid(CreateGUIDv4, 1, 8) & _
    strHyphen & Mid(CreateGUIDv4, 9, 4) & _
    strHyphen & Mid(CreateGUIDv4, 13, 4) & _
    strHyphen & Mid(CreateGUIDv4, 17, 4) & _
    strHyphen & Mid(CreateGUIDv4, 21, 12) & strRightBrace
End Function

in SQL use the function NewID()

INSERT INTO table_name (ID,Column1,Column2,Column3)
VALUES (NewID(),value1,value2,value3)

Thoughs on Namespace model

For using the clipboard as a signal to perform work between MS Office products and R, this works best as a server client relationship. Each application will be continually or occaisionally checking the clipboard for specific values.

We are essentially building an api that uses the clipboard as the data stream using a request-response messaging paggern For verb noun adjective can be found from the wordsapi.com free tier is 2,500 calls daily.

We could potentially write clients that understood human language commands using 'noun, preposition, verb, preposition, adjective' like client.application.r.is.ready.to.recieve server.application.msexcell.is.ready.to.send but that's probably overkill, we are better served by sticking to simpler models like the REST verbs of: GET,PUT,POST,DELETE Read from stack overflow, Understanding REST: Verbs, error codes, and authentication


Examples and blog posts on how to use the Clipboard to comunicate with R: A million ways to connect R and Excel Copying Data from Excel to R and Back Moving data between R and Excel via the clipboard a