
A barebones personal framework.

Primary LanguageCSS


A barebones personal framework.

1. Install Sass:

$ sudo gem install sass

To check if Sass is already installed type $ sass -v in Terminal to check version.

To watch Sass with source maps and compressed style, in Terminal, type:

$ sass --watch sass:css --style compressed

To just compile Sass with compressed style, in Terminal, type:

$ sass --update sass:css --style compressed
Or continue below and don't worry about the above command.

2. Install Node.js:

To check if Node.js is already installed type $ npm -v in Terminal to check version.

3. Install Gulp Globally:

$ sudo npm install -g gulp

To check if Gulp is already installed type $ gulp -v in Terminal to check version.

5. Install all Gulp dependencies:

$ sudo npm install

See gulpfile.js var imports to see individual task dependencies

Prospectively, to install individual tasks: $ sudo npm install --save-dev <task>

6. Run Gulp:

$ gulp

^^^ The default task will run.

To run individual tasks, use $ gulp <task> <othertask>

Production-ready Gulp command: $ gulp prod