
Asset repo for tokens listed on FEGex

Primary LanguagePython

Pressale on FEGex

FEGex Asset Repo

How to submit token asset information

  • Fork this repo to your own GitHub account

  • Create a new folder and name it the contract address of your token, under the matching blockchain. Example: if you're submitting an Ethereum based token you need to create a new folder under blockchains/ethereum/assets/<YOUR TOKENS CONTRACT ADDRESS>.

  • When using your contract address, be sure to supply it in the checksum version (case sensitive)

  • In this folder create a new file named info.json

  • In this folder include your token logo, and the file must be named logo.png

  • Submit a PR to have your submission reviewed


  • id : contract address of the token Be sure to use the checksum version
  • name : full token name
  • symbol : token's symbol
  • type : token type; BEP20 or ERC20
  • decimals : number of decimals your token supports
  • website : official website of your token
  • explorer : url of your token's info page on the block explorers
  • refelections : does your token receive reflections, only need if your token has reflections
  • social: key/value pairs of your token's social media links

Example of Valid JSON

    "id": "Contract Address",
    "name": "Token Name",
    "symbol": "Token Symbol",
    "type": "ERC20",
    "decimals": 9,
    "website": "https://fegtoken.com",
    "explorer": "https://etherscan.io/token/ConTRactAddRESs", 
    "reflections": true,
    "social" : {
        "twitter" : "https://twitter.com/fegtoken"


Include the official logo of your token you want displayed on FEGex

  • the logo should be square, recommended 256x256px


For an example, look at the details of the FEG Token submission on the Binance Smart Chain side: FEG Token