
Reddit bot for rolling roleplaying dice, written in Python

Primary LanguagePython


How to use

The bot will scan for comments in a given subreddit that contain valid commands, such as !roll, and reply to those comments with the result of executing the specified command.

Roll dice

!roll 1d20 - rolls 1 20-sided die, and displays the result

!roll 4d6 - rolls 4 6-sided dice, and displays the resulting sum

Keep the number of dice and dice sides reasonable.

Roll dice with modifiers

!roll 1d20 + 10 - rolls 1 20-sided die, adds 10, and displays the result

!roll 4d6 - 10 - rolls 4 6-sided dice, subtracts 10 from the sum, and displays the result

!roll 1d4 * 3 - rolls 1 4-sided die, multiples by 3, and displays the result

!roll 1d100 / 10 - rolls 1 100-sided die, divides by 10, and displays the result

Keep the modifier value reasonable.

Configuring the Bot

Modify the values in the config.py file to match those of your bot, and the subreddit you wish the Bot to be active in.