

  • VSCode
  • PlatformIO
  • Home Assistant insall
  • MQTT broker
  • ESP32 w bluetooth 5 support


  • Edit wifi.cfg and add your base64 encoded ssid and passphrase and mqtt broker info, you can leave hostname alone if you want
  • Edit blinds.cfg and add your blinds, you will need your encodedMac and encodedKey as given by running with your credentials
  • Edit main.cpp and set your BROKER_ADDR to your MQTT broker


  • you can browse to http://msb1.local and open/close the blinds manually
  • you can browse to http://msb1.local:88/webserial and there is a serial monitor you can look at
  • your blinds should show up on HA automatically, although i havent figured out how to make the names show up properly name now updates correctly
  • you can also see battery charge level and wether blinds are charging