
lit-html wrapper for ClojureScript, using Hiccup-like syntax.

Primary LanguageClojure

lit-html with Hiccup-like syntax

This is a ClojureScript library which wraps the lit-html project with a compiler for Hiccup-like syntax.

Alpha-quality! It works nicely in a nontrivial app, but that app is not launched so it's hardly been battle-tested.


This library declares an :npm-deps on the upstream lit-html library. That's an alpha feature in optimized production builds, so be careful!

See Hiccup for the general details of the syntax. A brief example:

(ns my.app
    [lit-html.compiler :refer-macros [html]]
    [lit-html.runtime :refer [render]]))

(defonce app-state (atom {:counter 0}))

(defn counter-component [counter]
  (html [:p "Counter: " [:span.red counter]]))

(defn page [state]
  (html [:div
         (counter-component (:counter state))
         [:button {:on/click (fn [_] (swap! app-state update :counter inc))}

Differences from Standard Hiccup

lit-html only allows interpolation in attribute value and text context positions. Further, it has a few different attribute-like bindings, for event handlers and DOM element properties.

  • All tags must be literal keywords.
  • The optional, map-shaped second argument for attributes must be a literal map, if present.
    • The keys of that map must be literal keywords or strings.
    • If a string, its first character is interpreted as in lit-html (see below).
    • If a keyword, the namespace is used for the different types of binding (see below).
  • Classes and IDs on the tag, eg. :div#some-id.classic.red get merged with the attribute map, if any.
    • It is an error to specify the ID in both places.
    • Classes are merged together.
Type String Keyword
Attribute "foo" :foo
Boolean attribute "?disabled" :flag/disabled
DOM element property ".foo" :prop/foo
Event listener "@click" :on/click

The run-time value of an (html ...) call is a TemplateResult instance, just like an html templated string in vanilla JavaScript lit-html.


To get an interactive development environment run:

clojure -A:fig:build
user=> (go)

This will auto compile and send all changes to the browser without the need to reload. After the compilation process is complete, you will get a Browser Connected REPL. An easy way to try it is:

To clean all compiled files:

rm -rf target/public

To create a production build run:

rm -rf target/public
clojure -A:fig:min


Copyright © 2021 Braden Shepherdson

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.