
Spec for a 32-bit DCPU competitor based on the Motorola 68k

Mocha 86k - A 16/32-bit DCPU competitor

Beta quality! - This is a draft specification, and the details of the instructions, addressing modes, and especially their encoding is subject to change. Ideas and suggestions are welcome!

This is a prototype design for a 32-bit DCPU-16 successor. The design is largely inspired by the architecture of the real-world Motorola 68k family.

It aims to be as familiar as possible to the DCPU-16 in terms of programming model, though there are some important differences.

Try it!

My multi-architecture assembler drasm supports Mocha 86k with the -arch mocha flag.

Similarly, my multi-architecture emulator tc-dcpu supports Mocha 86k with the same -arch mocha flag.


Generally the operating speed of the Mocha 86k is 2MHz, 2 million clock cycles per second. Since even modest instructions usually cost 2-6 cycles, the operating rate is something like 500k instructions per second, but that can vary a lot.

High-level Architecture

Memory is a uniform, unsegmented 32-bit address space. Each address in memory refers to a 16-bit word. Note that most machines have a far smaller memory than the 4GW this allows. Most in-universe, shipping Mocha 86k machines have a 24-bit address bus, and so have up to 16MW of memory.

There are 11 32-bit registers, one 16-bit register, and one single bit flag.

  • 8 general purpose 32-bit registers: A, B, C, X, Y, Z, I, J.
  • 32-bit program counter PC
  • 32-bit stack pointer SP
  • 32-bit overflow register EX
  • 16-bit interrupt address IA
  • Single flag Q to control interrupt queueing

Finally, there is a queue of up to 256 16-bit interrupt messages.


32-bit values are stored in memory in big-endian fashion. That is, if we stored the 32-bit value $deadbeef to memory address $10000, then [$10000] contains $dead, and [$10001] contains $beef.

Size Suffixes

Every instruction specifies either 16-bit words or 32-bit "longwords"; this is indicated by most instructions ending in W or L. Nullary instructions don't have these suffixes.

A few other instructions (SWP, EXT) only make sense on longwords, but they can still be assembled in word form. They don't do anything in that case.

Words and Longwords

But what happens when reading and writing a 16-bit value to a 32-bit register?

For reading, the lower (ie. less significant) 16 bits are read. If register C contains $deadbeef, a 16-bit operation would read $beef. This applies to all the registers.

For writing, it depends on the register type. For our example, the register contains $deadbeef and we're doing a 16-bit write of $face:

  • General purpose: writes lower 16 bits, leaves upper 16 bits untouched: $deadface
  • PC and SP: Value is zero-extended to 32-bits and overwrites: $0000face.
    • This is because PC and SP are less flexible "address" registers.
  • IA: This register doesn't actually have an upper 16 bits, so the low 16 bits gets written: $face.

Note that writing a 32-bit value to IA is legal. The upper 16 bits are simply discarded.

Be careful! Reading a 16-bit address into a general-purpose register without clearing the upper word (typically with CLRL C) is a common source of programming bugs.

Migrating from the DCPU-16

This is a summary of the most substantial differences from programming for the DCPU-16.

  • Most obviously, all registers are 32-bit under the hood. You can do word-sized arithmetic without penalty, however.
  • Since memory is accessed a word at a time, reading and writing words is faster than longwords, if they are sufficient for your purposes.
  • Be careful when loading words into registers, as the upper word is not cleared.
    • See "Words and Longwords" above for details.
  • SP starts as 0, which means the first value pushed would go in [$ffffffff]. Since your Mocha 86k machine probably doesn't have 4GW of memory(!) you should set SP before using the stack.
  • There are no MOD and MDI instructions; DIV and DVI put the quotient in the destination and remainder in EX.
  • Multiplication and division are realistically more expensive than addition.
    • Note also that 32-bit multiplication and division is slower than 16-bit.
    • Since the ALU is 32-bit, most other operations (ADD, BOR, etc.) are as fast on longwords as on words.
  • All the operands on the DCPU-16 (A, [A], [A + offset], [SP + offset], etc.) are available, plus several powerful new ones.
    • Of particular mention are [A]+ and -[A], which read memory based on a register with postincrement or predecrement respectively. These replace STI and STD and are much more flexible.
  • Branching instructions are much more powerful, for several reasons.
    • There are "branching" instructions (eg. BRE branch equal) alongside the IFx "skipping" ones.
    • These are slightly faster and much more compact than writing IFE blah, blah; SET PC, somewhere_nearby
    • In addition, there are now four unary branching/skipping instructions, which check whether their single operand is zero, nonzero, negative or positive. They only have the branching form, not "skipping".
    • Finally, the unary branches have "decrementing" counterparts, that decrement the operand's value by one after checking the condition. This is great for writing loops counting down a length.
  • DCPU hardware is fully supported! HWN, HWQ, and HWI still work the same way (mostly; HWQ writes the 32-bit IDs to single 32-bit registers). Hardware that reads and writes registers touches their lower words, like a word-sized setw instruction.
  • Take advantage of the powerful, compact PSH and POP opcodes for pushing and popping multiple registers.

Instruction Format

Each instruction begins with a single word. Some instructions have an additional word following the first, giving further details of the operation. Additionally, some addressing modes need extra values, which are put after (all words of) the instruction.

Instructions are written here as SET dest, src.

To be perfectly clear, the order of words in an instruction is always:

main opcode words
(any extra words required by the opcode)
(extra words for the source operand)
(extra words for the destination operand)

Branches don't have a "source" and "destination", but they are spelled the same way: IFE dest, src. For non-commutative operations like IFL, the operands are in this same order, as with SUB: IFL dest, src means dest < src.

There are three basic formats for instructions: nullary, unary and binary. The unary branches (eg. BZR) have an extra word. Finally, some binary instructions are assembled in "long form", with an extra word giving the opcode.

Type Format Notes
Nullary L0000000 00oooooo eg. RFI, NOP, BRK
Unary L000oooo oossssss ssssss is the single operand
Unary Branch L000oooo oossssss Second word is 16-bit signed offset
bbbbbbbb bbbbbbbb
Binary Looodddd ddssssss s is src, d is dest
Binary Long Form L111dddd ddssssss Binary with opcode 7
bbbbbbbb bbbooooo Real opcode is o; branch offset b

The 6-bit operands take many different formats, detailed below.


After the fundamental shift to 32-bit, this is easily the most vital difference from the DCPU-16. There are now more powerful and flexible ways to access operands.

This table summarizes the addressing modes, and their encoding, and then each one has a section describing its details. Addressing modes are encoded as mmmRRR where mmm is a 3-bit addressing mode number, and RRR is either a register number (A = 0, J = 7) or a special code.

Mode Syntax Encoding Register Extra Words
Register A 000 Reg. 0
Reg. indirect [A] 001 Reg. 0
Reg. postincrement [A]+ 010 Reg. 0
Reg. predecrement -[A] 011 Reg. 0
Reg. offset [A+lit_sw] 100 Reg. 1
Reg. index [A,B] 101 Reg. 1
PC PC 110 000 0
SP SP 110 001 0
EX EX 110 010 0
IA IA 110 011 0
[SP] (aka PEEK) [SP] 110 100 0
Push/pop [SP]+/-[SP] 110 101 0
Literal 0 0 110 110 0
Literal 1 1 110 111 0
Absolute word [lit_uw] 111 000 1
Absolute longword [lit_ul] 111 001 2
Immediate word lit_uw 111 010 1
Immediate longword lit_ul 111 011 2
Immediate signed word lit_sw 111 100 1
PC-relative indirect [PC+lit_sw] 111 101 1
PC-relative index [PC, A] 111 110 1
[SP+word] [SP+lit_sw] 111 111 1

You'll note that many of these addressing modes also exist on the DCPU-16, though the encoding is different.

Note also that the number of extra words does not depend on the L bit for the instruction! There's nothing wrong (at least, in terms of the encoding) with writing ADDW B, 123456. That will be encoded as a 16-bit add with a 32-bit literal, which will be read in, and then the lower 16 bits of the literal will be added to (the low word of) B.

In particular, the literal offsets used by the Register offset, and PC- and SP-relative indirect modes, are always 1 word. The absolute and immediate word/longword modes are always exactly that. It never depends on the L bit.

For clarity, ADDW B 123456 is encoded as:

00100000 01111011  opcode
00000000 00000001  high word
11100010 01000000  low word

On the other hand, the effect of the incrementing and decrementing modes (eg. [A]+, PUSH) are impacted by the L bit. Since it's reading or writing a 32-bit value, it increments/decrements by 2.

Concept: Effective Address

Most of these addressing modes define an "effective address": the address where we are reading and writing memory.

Some of them, such as PC and direct registers like A, do not have real addresses; trying to LEA or PEA one of these operands will load or push 0 instead.

Effective address calculations are always 32-bit. For example, SETW [A + 15], 700 does a 32-bit add of A with 15 (encoded as a signed word, which is sign-extended to 32 bits) to produce the effective address, then writes a word to that address. The instruction's width (W or L) only applies to its actual operation.


The simplest mode: just reading and writing the register. No effective address.

Register indirect

Effective address is the value of the register, r; reading and writing to [r].

Register postincrement

Effective address is r. After reading r to construct our effective address, r is incremented by 1 (if reading a word) or 2 (for longwords).

Register predecrement

First decrement r by 1 (for a word) or 2 (longword). Then this new value of r is the effective address.

Register offset

Read an extra signed word lit_sw from the instruction. Sign-extend that value to 32 bits lit_sl. Then the effective address is r + lit_sl (32-bit).

Register indexed

Read an extra word from the instruction, its low 3 bits contain a register number r2. Our effective address is r + r2 (32-bit).

PC, SP, EX and IA

These four simply read or write the given register. They do not have an effective address.

Note that SP and PC do not handle 16-bit writes to their low 16 bits. Before a 16-bit value is written to these two, it is zero-extended to 32 bits.

Peek ([SP])

Effective address is SP. That is, it manipulates the topmost value on the stack without modifying SP.

SP push/pop

When reading, our effective address is SP and SP is incremented after being read.

When writing, SP is decremented first, then this new SP value is the effective address.

Note that if this mode is used as the destination operand for a read/write arithmetic instruction (such as AND), this is equivalent to [SP]/PEEK. (The effective address is that of the read, ie. SP. Then SP is incremented, then decremented. The result is written to the same effective address, that is at [SP], and SP is left unchanged.)

Pick ([SP+lit])

Reads a signed word lit_sw from the instruction, sign-extends to lit_sl, and then the effective address is SP + lit_sl. SP is unchanged.

Literal 0 and 1

As a convenient shorthand, these two common lieral values are available in-line.

No effective address.

Absolute word

Read an unsigned word lit_uw from the input. Zero-extend to 32 bits; it is the effective address.

Absolute longword

Read an unsigned longword lit_ul from the input; it is the effective address.

Immediate word

Read a word lit_uw from the instruction. If our instruction is 32-bit, zero-extend lit_uw to become lit_ul.

No effective address.

Immediate signed word

Read a word lit_sw from the instruction. If our instruction is 32-bit, sign-extend lit_sw to lit_sl.

No effective address.

Immediate longword

Read a longword lit_l from the instruction. If our instruction is 16-bit, use the lower 16 bits of lit_l as lit_w.

PC-relative indirect

Read a signed word lit_sw from the instruction. Effective address is PC + lit_sw.

Note that PC will be pointing to just after this word when the effective address is computed! This is particularly important for SET instructions.

PC-relative index

Read a word from the instruction. Its low 3 bits contain a register number r. Effective address is PC + r.

Note that PC will be pointing to just after this extra word when the effective address is computed. Normally this is the assembler's problem.

Instruction Timing

Instruction timing is much more complex than in the DCPU-16, due to several factors. The processor is microcoded internally, and it's really these microcode operations that account for cycles.

The fundamental timings are that it takes 1 cycle to:

  • Read and write each word of memory.
    • That includes reading instructions, extra words for operands, and any memory accesses in the operations.
  • Basic 32-bit ALU operations (eg. addition, subtraction, bitwise and).
    • That includes operations to compute the effective address for an operand.

The "cycles" counts given in these tables are the fundamental, intrinsic costs of each instruction, usually 1 or 2. Any other operations to compute effective addresses, read and write memory, etc. are extra.

Note that there's a 1-cycle "discount" caused by pipelined reading of the next instruction. However, if the current instruction changes PC in any way, that pipelined read is wasted and the CPU must wait for the fresh read.

Some examples illustrate:

  • ADDW B, A - 2 cycles (read instruction, 1 ALU op)
  • ADDL B, A - 2 cycles (read instruction, 1 ALU op)
    • 16- and 32-bit ALU operations are equally fast.
  • ADDW [B], 10 - 5 cycles
    • Read instruction, read literal 10, read [B], add, write [B].
  • ADDL [B], 10 - 7 cycles
    • Read instruction, read literal 10, read [B], read [B+1], add, write [B], write [B+1].
    • Note that the shifting the high word from [B] into the high word of the ALU is built-in and doesn't count for an ALU operation.
  • ADDL [B, 9], 10 - 9 cycles
    • Read instruction, read literal 10, read offset 9, add B + 9, read [B+9], read [B+9+1], add, write [B+9], write [B+9+1].
    • The effective address for the destination is only computed once, so we only add B+9 once.

Nullary Instructions

Opcode in the bottom 6 bits.

L0000000 00oooooo
Opcode Mnemonic Cycles Details
$0 NOP 1 Does nothing (NB: NOP is $0000)
$1 RFI 4 Returns from an interrupt handler
$2 BRK 2 Triggers a breakpoint, in dev mode
$3 HLT 4 Halts the CPU until an interrupt occurs
$4 ULK 2 C-style frame pointer pop; see LNK for details


To expand, RFI reverses the operations the Mocha 86k performs when an interrupt is triggered (push PC, push A, Q set to block further interrupts).

So executing RFI does the reverse: pops A, pops PC, clears Q.


See below on Halt and interrupt queueing for more about halting.

Unary Instructions

Opcode in bits 11:6, "src" operand in the bottom 6:

L000oooo oossssss

Note that though it's called src the operand is sometimes the destination.

Opcode Mnemonic Cycles Details
$01 SWP 1 Swap low and high words of 32-bit op. (If L=0, this does nothing.)
$02 PEA 1 Push effective address of operand to stack
$03 NOT 1 Bitwise negation, swap all bits
$04 NEG 1 2's complement signed negation
$05 JSR 1 Push 32-bit PC, then PC := src
$06 LOG 2 Emit src to the debug logging console
$07 LNK 2 C-style stack frame helper, see below
$09 HWN 2 Set src to the number of connected devices
$0a HWQ 4 Queries device src; sets A to device ID, X to manufacturer ID, C to version
$0b HWI 4 Sends a hardware interrupt to device src
$0c INT 4 Software interrupt with message src added to the queue
$0d IAQ 1 Interrupt queueing on if src != 0, off if src == 0
$0e EXT 2 Sign-extend the low word of src to make a signed 32-bit value (unchanged if L=0)
$0f CLR 0 Clears src (ie. sets it to 0)
$10 PSH 1 Push registers based on bitmap argument (see below)
$11 POP 1 Pop registers based on bitmap argument (see below)
$20 BZR 2/3 Branch if zero
$21 BNZ 2/3 Branch if not zero
$22 BPS 2/3 Branch if positive (signed > 0)
$23 BNG 2/3 Branch if negative (signed < 0)
$24 BZRD 3/4 Branch if zero, with decrement
$25 BNZD 3/4 Branch if not zero, with decrement
$26 BPSD 3/4 Branch if positive (signed > 0), with decrement
$27 BNGD 3/4 Branch if negative (signed < 0), with decrement

See below for more details on LNK (and ULK), PSH and POP, and the branches.

Push and Pop

These instructions, borrowed from the ARM family, push and pop several registers from the stack in sequence. All the general purpose registers, EX and PC are eligible for pushing, in that order.

The unary argument is interpreted as 000000PE JIZYXBCA, where E is the EX bit, P the PC bit. Those registers with bits set are the ones pushed and popped.

That is, A is at the lowest address, then B, etc. PC is always at the highest address. That enables function calls with JSR to be bracketed like this:

PSHL {X, Y, A}
; ...
POPL {A, X, Y, PC}

Note that the order of arguments in the list is ignored.

Note also that L controls whether 16- or 32-bit registers are pushed and popped. You almost certainly want PSHL and POPL for normal use, in order to save and restore the entire register.

In particular, POPW {..., PC} isn't safe as a general "return", because it effectively discards the high word of the original PC.

Costs 1 cycle by default, though the runtime is dominated by reading or writing to the stack.


This pair of instructions is designed to make C-style frame pointers easy and efficient. They use J as the frame pointer, as follows:

LNK src, "link", does the following:

  1. Decrements SP by 2.
  2. Stores the current (32-bit) value of J, the frame pointer, at the new [SP].
  3. Stores this new SP in J.
  4. Reads the operand src, as a signed offset (sign-extended if L=1).
  5. Adds it to SP (making space for local variables, usually).

ULK, "unlink", reverses this process.

  1. Restores the value from J to SP.
  2. Reads the old J value from [SP].
  3. Increments SP by 2.

There's a few important things to note here:

  • J becomes your "frame pointer", and you can use [J - 2] style indexing based on it.
  • Don't overwrite J, or restore it first if you do.
  • Your calling convention should probably make J callee-saved.
    • Then LNK and ULK take care of saving the old J for you.
    • And any downstream function calls will save/restore your J value (whether they use LNK/ULK or not).
  • Since the old SP is saved, you don't need to pop any other values pushed to the stack in the meantime. ULK implicitly pops them all by loading the old SP.

Unary Branches

These branch (ie. conditionally jump to nearby addresses) based on the value of src. The next word in the instruction gives a signed 16-bit offset, relative to PC after reading that offset word.

The "decrementing" versions (BNZD etc.) check the condition first, and only decrement src if the condition succeeds. This is very handy for loops that count down a length. (Start the loop with BZRDL C, loop_done, and it will loop C times, leaving C = 0 at the end.)

Note that the branches take 1 more cycle on failure (ie. not branching) than on branching, due to breaking the pipeline.

Binary Instructions

These come in two forms: short and long. The most commonly used ALU operations (SET, ADD, SUB, AND, BOR, XOR) are available in short form, which helps keep these ubiquitous operations fast and compact.

The first word has the form

Looodddd ddssssss

With a 3-bit operand o, and two full addressing modes dst and src.

Long form uses a second opcode word following the first.

Short Form Instructions

Opcode Mnemonic Cycles Details
$0 Placeholder, for the unary ops
$1 SET 1 Set dst to src
$2 ADD 2 dst := dst + src, EX := 1 if carry, 0 otherwise
$3 SUB 2 dst := dst - src, EX := -1 if borrow, 0 otherwise
$4 AND 1 dst := dst AND src
$5 BOR 1 dst := dst OR src
$6 XOR 1 dst := dst XOR src
$7 Long form, see below

Long Form Instructions

These have an extra word, where the low 5 bits is the opcode: bbbbbbbb bbbooooo.

The upper 11 bits is reserved (all 0s for future expansion), except for the IFx/BRx branch instructions, where it's the branch offset (more below).

Opcode Mnemonic Cycles Details
$00 ADX 3 dst := dst + src + EX, EX set as ADD
$01 SBX 3 dst := dst - src + EX, EX set as SUB
$02 SHR 2 dst:EX := dst >> src, shifting in 0s
$03 ASR 2 dst:EX := dst >> src, preserving top bit
$04 SHL 2 EX:dst := dst << src, shifting in 0s
$05 MUL 4/8 EX:dst := dst * src, unsigned multiply
$06 MLI 4/8 dst := dst * src, signed multiply (EX unchanged)
$07 DIV 12/18 dst := dst / src, EX := dst % src, unsigned
$08 DVI 12/18 dst := dst / src, EX := dst % src, signed
$09 LEA 1 Set dst to the effective address of src (see below)
$0a BTX 1 Toggle bit src in dst
$0b BTS 1 Set bit src in dst
$0c BTC 1 Clear bit src in dst
$0d BTM 1 Set dst to a bit mask with only bit src set
$0e (Reserved)
$0f (Reserved)
Opcode Branch If Details
$10 BRB IFB Branch/run next if dst & src != 0 ("Bits set")
$11 BRC IFC Branch/run next if dst & src == 0 ("bits Clear")
$12 BRE IFE Branch/run next if dst == src ("Equal")
$13 BRN IFN Branch/run next if dst != src ("Not equal")
$14 BRG IFG Branch/run next if dst > src, unsigned ("Greater")
$15 BRA IFA Branch/run next if dst > src, signed ("Above")
$16 BRL IFL Branch/run next if dst < src, unsigned ("Less than")
$17 BRU IFU Branch/run next if dst < src, signed ("Under")

All the branches take 2 cycles on success, 3 on failure. They treat the upper 11 bits of the long form word as a signed 11-bit offset, relative to the PC after reading the long form word and before reading the operands.

If that offset is -1 (all bits set), the instruction is interpreted as a DCPU-16 style IFx instruction. If the condition is true, the next instruction is executed. If the condition is false, the next instruction is skipped.

When "skipping" thus, any further branches (unary or binary) are also skipped, so only the next "real" instruction is executed. This is a good way to encode "and" conditions:

IFG A, 7
  IFL A, 19
    SET PC, somewhere

or equivalently, and more compactly:

IFG A, 7
  BRL A, 19, somewhere


Unsigned multiplies work with EX, signed ones don't. (Because you can't split a 32-bit signed result into two 16-bit words without breaking the signing.)

Signed 16-bit multiply puts the signed 16-bit result into the low word of dst.

Unsigned 16-bit creates an unsigned 32-bit result, and places its low word in the low word of dst, and its high word in the low word of EX.

Unsigned 32-bit multiply creates an unsigned 64-bit result. The low longword goes in dst, the high longword in EX. Thus a full 64-bit multiplication is possible.

Note that 16-bit multiply takes 4 cycles, 32-bit takes 8.


Both signed and unsigned division puts the quotient in dst and the remainder in EX.

Signed division is tricky, since there are two solutions to the division identity. If b / a = q with remainder r, we must have b = a * q + r.

But what is -7 / 2? There are two solutions:

  1. -3 remainder -1: -7 = 2 * (-3) - 1
  2. -4 remainder 1: -7 = 2 * (-4) + 1

The two principles are:

  • Quotients are positive if the input signs match, negative if they differ.
    • This is the same as multiplication.
  • Quotients are rounded towards zero, not negative infinity.
    • This implies the sign of the the remainder matches the dividend.

This corresponds to option 1 above.

Considering all four combinations of signs, we have:

  1. 7 / 2 = 3 R 1; 7 = 2 * 3 + 1
  • This is trivial, and note that unsigned DIV is always this.
  1. (-7) / 2 = -3 R -1; -7 = 2 * (-3) - 1 as above.
  2. 7 / (-2) = -3 R 1; 7 = (-2) * (-3) + 1
  3. (-7) / (-2) = 3 R -1; -7 = (-2) * 3 - 1

So in all four cases the division identity is satisfied. We also see that the quotient is positive iff the signs of the operands match, and that the sign of the remainder matches the dividend.

Load Effective Address

The instructions PEA and LEA take an operand, but rather than actually accessing its value, they capture the "effective address" of that operand. See the section on Operands, and "Concept: Effective Address" above.

  • SETL C, operand puts the value of the operand into C.
  • LEAL C, operand puts the effective address itself into C.

Put another way, SETW C, operand is equivalent to

LEAL C, operand

(Though it's pointless to write it that way; this is just an illustration.)

Note that if the operand passed to LEA and PEA has side effects, such as adjusting the stack pointer, these effects do not happen. The only effect is to load the address they would operate on into the register.

For example LEAL C, POP copies the effective address (SP) into C without changing SP.

Finally, note that LEAW is perfectly valid. It loads the low word of the (32-bit) effective address into the destination's low word.

Reserved areas

Large portions of the instruction space are not yet defined. This is great for the future, since they can be added as an expansion later.

Interacting with Hardware

Nearly identical to the DCPU-16. This is by design.

When DCPU-16 hardware talks about using registers like A and X, that is understood to be the low word of A and X on the Mocha 86k. The high word is not changed when hardware sets a register. (This is the same behavior as SETW A, ....)

You can query the number of connected hardware devices with HWN, which will write the number of devices (up to $ffff) to the operand.

HWQ expects a device number (0-based) and populates registers with device data. This is the main difference from the DCPU-16. The 32-bit device ID is written to A, the 16-bit device version to C's low word, and the 32-bit manufacturer ID to X.

B and Y (which hold the high words of the 32-bit values on DCPU-16) are unchanged here.

You can signal a hardware device with HWI operand giving its device number. Most hardware devices expect various values in registers; the low words of the registers correspond to the DCPU-16 registers.


Interrupts are generated by hardware, or by INT. Every interrupt has a 16-bit message. When an interrupt is generated, it goes into the queue (even if queueing is off). This allows for multiple devices to generate interrupts at the same time without dropping any.

When an instruction is about to be executed, first interrupts are checked. If interrupt queueing is off, and there is at least one interrupt in the queue, that interrupt is triggered.

When an interrupt is triggered, the CPU checks IA. If IA = 0, the interrupt is discarded and execution continues normally. If IA != 0, the interrupt is processed as follows:

  1. Turn on interrupt queueing.
  2. Push PC (the instruction about to be executed)
  3. Push register A (32-bit)
  4. Set PC = IA (zero extended)
  5. Set A to the interrupt message (zero extended).

Execution then continues at the interrupt handler whose address was in IA.


  • The RFI instruction is designed to neatly reverse the above, by popping A and PC, and turning queueing off again.
  • Conversely, RFI is not magic. You can return manually by doing the same process with other instructions.
  • Only one interrupt is popped at a time. If IA = 0, one interrupt is discarded for each instruction executed.
  • The maximum queue length is 256. When the 257th interrupt is added, behavior is undefined.
  • Interrupts are not checked while "skipping" due to an IFx instruction, even if several instructions are skipped in a row. Interrupts are only checked when an instruction is about to be actually executed.
  • The interrupt process above consumes 4 cycles, since it writes 2 longwords to the stack.

Nesting Interrupts

Possible, with care. You are free to turn interrupt queueing off from inside an interrupt handler.

Similarly, you are free to return (without RFI) from an interrupt handler without turning queueing off.


BRK triggers a debug breakpoint. If debugging hardware is connected, it will notice this hardware signal and halt processing so the state of the CPU can be examined.

LOG operand will emit a value to the debug logging hardware, if any. It silently does nothing if there is no debug hardware.

Halt and Interrupt Queueing

What happens when HLT is executed while interrupt queueing is on?

Short answer: the CPU is blocked forever, and must be hardware reset.

In more detail, HLT blocks the CPU until an interrupt is triggered, not generated. Hardware devices and INT generate interrupts that go into the queue, but it's only when interrupts are triggered on the way out of the queue that the CPU breaks out of HLT state.

Since interrupts are never triggered when queueing is on, the CPU is halted forever.

Note that HLT state ends when an interrupt is triggered, even if IA = 0 and it gets discarded.

Initial State

On power up, the state of the CPU is:

  • All registers are 0, including PC, IA, EX and SP.
    • This implies the first instruction executed is at $0.
    • Note that SP is decremented before storing, the first value pushed would go at [$ffffffff]. Since you probably don't have 4GW of memory, you'll want to set SP to some other value.
  • ROM is copied to the beginning of memory.
  • All other memory is undefined - it may be 0, but it also may not.
  • Interrupt queueing is off, interrupts will flow. But since IA = 0, they will be discarded.
  • All hardware devices are in their initial state, so no memory is mapped.