
There are a number of things that I want to do to change my portfolio.

  1. Set everything up in React
  2. Add a custom logo that I build
  3. Use atleast 1 custom hook
  4. Style with material-UI


How am I going to use state here? Should I create a database or json file of all my projects, or just hard code them in? What is the overall aesthetic that I want to convey that describes me? Good example is kent c dodds website. https://kentcdodds.com/blog/ https://robbowen.digital/

Greensock maybe for the animations?? Going to be using ADOBE XD to really build this out. Already added a react app that I will eventually replace this app with.

Now need to add designs, start building, and figure out if these changes will break the live site that I am hosting.

Figured I may need to delay this project as I am still trying to get redux to work .

Which projects to add to portfolio? I should add the spiderchart - also new build week project.

Going to use sass and make it more standard looking.