
[REQ] Execute Task with Schedule

orochi663 opened this issue · 1 comments

Execution of a task that is enqueued at specific a time

It would be a really nice to have if we can have a scheduled execution of task at a specific time. The task that are enqueued with time will be able to get executed at that time and not before than that. Something like:

::push_hourly_task(repeat=-1 or N times);
::push_daily_task(repeat=-1 or N times);

Hi @orochi663, thanks for opening this issue. Sorry it took me so long to reply. I'm currently on hiatus from developing this package, since I'm too busy teaching. However, I plan to release a new version in the summer.

This is an interesting suggestion, but I feel that it is a specific application of the thread pool, i.e. something you would use the thread pool to implement in your own program, rather than a feature that the thread pool itself needs to have. So I feel that it is beyond the scope of this package.

Thanks again for the suggestion!