
Primary LanguageRuby

Rails Intro: Add Features to RottenPotatoes

In this homework you will add features to the RottenPotatoes teaching app and deploy the enhanced app on Heroku. We will run live integration tests against your deployed version.

You will add two features to the RottenPotatoes "List All Movies" page that will familiarize you with the interactions between controllers and views:

  1. Allow movies to be sorted by either title or release date;

  2. Filter the list so only movies with certain ratings (PG, G, etc.) are shown.

General advice: This homework involves modifying RottenPotatoes in various ways. Git is your friend: commit frequently in case you inadvertently break something that was working before! That way you can always back up to an earlier revision, or just visually compare what changed in each file since your last "good" commit.

Remember, commit early and often!

Part 1: get RottenPotatoes running locally and on Heroku

Goal: Create a new Rails app for RottenPotatoes, populate it with our starter code, and get it running locally as well as on Heroku.

The provided skeleton code is not a complete and ready-to-run Rails app: we want you to get used to the process of bootstrapping a new app from scratch. You may find yourself looking up the specific commands and options to do some of the following steps; that's part of the retention process.

  1. Create a brand-new Rails app called rottenpotatoes (you can choose a different name, but the provided skeleton code won't work out-of-the-box). You should now have a rottenpotatoes directory, which is the "app root directory" in Rails parlance. Hint: To create a brand-new Rails app, you don't need to create all its files from scratch. "Use the Google" to figure out how Rails itself can create the "skeleton" of a new app for you.

  2. Put that directory immediately under Git version control, and add all the files in it. Commit.

  3. Replace the following specific files under rottenpotatoes with their counterparts from the provided rottenpotatoes starter code directory:

  • Gemfile
  • app/assets/stylesheets/application.css
  • app/controllers/movies_controller.rb
  • app/views/layouts/application.html.haml
  • app/views/movies/*.html.haml
  • app/models/movie.rb
  • config.ru
  • db/seeds.rb
  1. When you generate the Rails scaffolding, you are given a default global HTML layout in app/views/layouts/application.html.erb. However, we give a pre-written HAML template instead at app/views/layouts/application.html.haml. This means you should remove app/views/layouts/application.html.erb so that Rails uses the HAML template instead.

Commit the new versions of these files.

  • Self-check: the Gemfile specifies what libraries (gems) this app will use, and some constraints on the compatible versions of gems. How do you actually cause the gems to be installed (or have the versions checked for compatibility, if you already have the gems installed), and what file is created to record the definitive versions of gems that will actually be used at runtime? (Check your answer before proceeding, to avoid an installation pitfall!)

Run bundle install --without production, which creates Gemfile.lock. The reason for --without production is to avoid trying to install gems used only in production. In this case, the gem pg is needed in production since Heroku uses the PostgreSQL database, but if you try to install it locally, it will fail unless you happen to already have a full installation of Postgres itself! We don't need it locally because we use the sqlite3 database for development.

  1. The app won't run yet because no routes mapping URIs to controller actions have been defined, and no database has been created. For this app, all we need are the four basic CRUD routes for Movie resources. What file do you need to modify to add these routes, and what single line can you add that will set up all the basic CRUD-for-a-resource routes?

Add the line resources :movies to config/routes.rb. Go ahead, do it.

At this point, run rake routes to verify you have basic RESTful routes for the movies model.

  1. The app still won't run because we haven't created a database. (We don't mean that the database has no movies in it, though that also happens to be true: we mean there is no database at all!) In other words, we have not run the initial migration to create the schema.
  • What command should we use to cause Rails to generate a migration file for us that will add the columns title (string), release date (datetime), rating (string), and description (text) to a table called movies?

rails generate migration AddFieldsToMovies title:string release_date:datetime rating:string description:text

Take a look at the migration file that was created. The change method defines what happens when the migration is applied.

  • Why will this migration fail if applied right now, and how should you fix it? (Hint: what assumption does the change code appear to make about the database schema?)

The change method assumes the movies table already exists, and adds columns to it. One fix is to add create_table :movies (or create_table "movies") at the beginning of the change method.

Apply the fix and then run the migration (hint: rake is involved).

At this point you should be able to run the app locally with rails server and ensure you can visit localhost:3000 in a browser.

  1. Deploy the app to Heroku (review the procedure in the ESaaS Appendix if necessary). Here's a brief overview of the workflow:
  • Start by creating a new Heorku app and configuring your rottenpotatoes git repository to have a Heroku remote
  • Heroku is going to require that you have a database ready and waiting when you push your code, else the deploy will fail. A Heroku PostgreSQL database can be created for your app by running heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql.
  • Go ahead and deploy your app with the proper git push command
  • At this point, visiting the '/movies' route will still fail. This is because you have a DB stood up, but it does not have the most up-to-date schema instantiated for your app (in fact, there is no schema at all since we just made the DB). We can run all of our DB migrations on our Heroku deployed app by running heroku run rake db:migrate. This is the same as a local rake db:migrate except that it runs it on your cloud-deployed Heroku app.
  • Optionally, you can run heroku run rake db:seed to populate some dummy movie entries
  1. Verify you can visit the app as deployed on Heroku. You should be able to browse to the '/movies' route and click around without issues. This is your starting point. Get to this point before continuing, or you'll be in a world of pain. A world of pain.

Add a feature: sort the list of all movies

Goal: Make it possible to sort the list of all movies either alphabetically by title or in order by release date.

Specifically, on the List All Movies page, you'll make two changes to the column headings for 'Movie Title' and 'Release Date' and the associated controller logic:

  1. The Movie Title and Release Date column headings will become clickable links. Clicking one of them should cause the list to be reloaded but sorted in ascending order on that column. For example, clicking the 'release date' column heading should redisplay the list of movies with the earliest-released movies first; clicking the 'title' field should list the movies alphabetically by title. (For movies whose names begin with non-letters, the sort order should match the behavior of String#<=>.)

  2. When the listing page is redisplayed with sorting-on-a-column enabled, the column header that was selected for sorting should appear with a yellow background, as shown here:

![Screenshot of yellow table header][https://github.com/saasbook/hw/blob/master/rails-intro/table-header-screenshot.png]

IMPORTANT for grading purposes:

Certain HTML elements must have specific IDs in order for the autograder to work. These have been set up correctly in the skeleton code provided, so please don't change them:

  • The column header link (that is, the <a> tag) for sorting by title should have the HTML element id title_header.
  • The link for sorting by ‘release date’ should have the HTML element id release_date_header.
  • The table containing the list of movies should have the HTML element id movies.

Turning the column headings into links that sort the movies

  • Self-check: Based on Rails' use of convention over configuration, in what file should you expect to find the view code for listing all movies?


Explanation: in Rails apps, the views directory contains all app views organized by model, so views/movies are the views for actions related to the Movie model. index is the conventional name for the RESTful action "list all instances of this resource type". The .haml extension indicates that the Haml preprocessor should be called to render the view. That preprocessor will strip off the .haml part and leave a .html file, telling Rails that it will be returning an HTML page to Rack.

  • Self-check: What controller action generates the list of all movies?

MoviesController#index in app/controllers/movies_controller.rb

  • Self-check: What route (URI and HTTP verb) triggers that action, and what route helper method would generate that route for you? (Hint: use rake routes)

The route is GET /movies and the helper method is movies_path (no arguments).

As an intermediate step, modify the view so that clicking on the "Movie title" table header causes this controller action to be invoked. (Hint: consider using the link_to helper. Having the Rails documentation handy from apidock.com will be very helpful.)

You now need to somehow signal the controller action if it was invoked by clicking on the Movie Title link or some other way. We will take advantage of the fact that you can pass additional arguments to the RESTful route helpers, and these will get added to the URL as URL parameters in the query-string and then in turn get parsed into params.

In the "intermediate step" above, somewhere in your view you should be generating a URL by calling movies_path() with no arguments. Try replacing that call with movies_path(:foo => 'bar').

  • When this view is rendered, what URL is generated for the link now?


Verify (by using the interactive debugger, or by making params visible in one of your views) that the call to the index action now has params[:foo] == "bar".

Use the results of this observation to pass a parameter to the index action such that, if the parameter is present, the collection @movies is passed to the view in title-sorted order. Hint: Databases are good at sorting results. Look at the ActiveRecord documentation to see how to get the database to return a properly-sorted collection for you, rather than sorting @movies after the database query returns.

Once you've got the idea, use the same technique to make movies sortable by date when the Release Date table header is clicked.

Last step: when the movie list has been sorted by one of those columns, the corresponding column header should appear yellow in the list view. The file app/assets/stylesheets/application.css file should contain the following style rule you can use:

table#movies th.hilite {
  background-color: yellow;

Modify the view and controller action so that the table headings (th tags) are conditionally given the appropriate CSS class to match the above style rule. A table heading should only be yellow if the current list of movies is sorted by that header.

Don't put code in your views! The view shouldn't have to sort the collection itself--its job is just to show stuff. The controller should spoon-feed the view exactly what is to be displayed.


Commit early and often! When you get to a working solution for this part, you might even want to give the commit a tag (symbolic name) such as "part1" in case you ever need to diff against it or go back to it. (Try git help tag for details.)

Part 2: Filter the list of movies

Enhance RottenPotatoes as follows. At the top of the All Movies listing, add some checkboxes that allow the user to filter the list to show only movies with certain MPAA ratings:

![Screenshot of filter checkboxes][https://github.com/saasbook/hw/blob/master/rails-intro/filter-screenshot.png]

When the Refresh button is pressed, the list of movies is redisplayed showing only those movies whose ratings were checked.

This will require a couple of pieces of code. We have provided the code that generates the checkboxes form, which you can include in the index.html.haml template:

= form_tag movies_path, :method => :get do
  - @all_ratings.each do |rating|
    = rating
    = check_box_tag "ratings[#{rating}]"
  = submit_tag 'Refresh'

BUT, you have to do a bit of work to use the above code: as you can see, it expects the variable @all_ratings to be an enumerable collection of all possible values of a movie rating, such as ['G','PG','PG-13','R']. The controller method needs to set up this variable. And since the possible values of movie ratings are really the responsibility of the Movie model, it's best if the controller sets this variable by consulting the Model. Hence, you should create a class method of Movie that returns an appropriate value for this collection.

You will also need code that figures out (i) how to figure out which boxes the user checked and (ii) how to restrict the database query based on that result.

Regarding (i), try viewing the source of the movie listings with the checkbox form, and you'll see that the checkboxes have field names like ratings[G], ratings[PG], etc. This trick will cause Rails to aggregate the values into a single hash called ratings, whose keys will be the names of the checked boxes only, and whose values will be the value attribute of the checkbox (which is "1" by default, since we didn't specify another value when calling the check_box_tag helper). That is, if the user checks the 'G' and 'R' boxes, params will include as one if its values :ratings=>{"G"=>"1", "R"=>"1"}. Check out the Hash documentation for an easy way to grab just the keys of a hash, since we don't care about the values in this case.

Regarding (ii), you'll probably end up replacing Movie.all in the controller method with Movie.find, which has various options to help you restrict the database query.

IMPORTANT for grading purposes:

  • Your form tag should have the id ratings_form
  • The form submit button for filtering by ratings should have an HTML element id of ratings_submit.
  • Each checkbox should have an HTML element id of ratings_#{rating}, where the interpolated rating should be the rating itself, such as "PG-13", "G". i.e. the id for the checkbox for PG-13 should be ratings_PG-13.

Hints and caveats:

  • Make sure that you don't break the sorted-column functionality you added previously! That is, sorting by column headers should still work, and if the user then clicks the "Movie Title" column header to sort by movie title, the displayed results should both be sorted and be limited by the Ratings checkboxes.

  • If the user checks (say) 'G' and 'PG' and then redisplays the list, the checkboxes that were used to filter the output should appear checked when the list is redisplayed. This will require you to modify the checkbox form slightly from the version we provided above.

  • The first time the user visits the page, all checkboxes should be checked by default (so the user will see all movies). For now, ignore the case when the user unchecks all checkboxes--you will get to this in the next part.

  • Don't put code in your views! Set up some kind of instance variable in the controller that remembers which ratings were actually used to do the filtering, and make that variable available to the view so that the appropriate boxes can be pre-checked when the index view is reloaded.

Part 3: Remember the sorting and filtering settings

OK, so the user can now click on the "Movie Title" or "Release Date" headings and see movies sorted by those columns, and can additionally use the checkboxes to restrict the listing to movies with certain ratings only. And we have preserved RESTfulness, because the URI itself always contains the parameters that will control sorting and filtering.

The last step is to remember these settings. That is, if the user has selected any combination of column sorting and restrict-by-rating constraints, and then the user clicks to see the details of one of the movies (for example), when she clicks the Back to Movie List on the detail page, the movie listing should "remember" the user's sorting and filtering settings from before.

(Clicking away from the list to see the details of a movie is only one example; the settings should be remembered regardless what actions the user takes, so that any time she visits the index page, the settings are correctly reinstated.)

The best way to do the "remembering" will be to use the session[] hash. The session is like the flash[], except that once you set something in the session[] it is remembered "forever" until you nuke the session with session.clear or selectively delete things from it with session.delete(:some_key). That way, in the index method, you can selectively apply the settings from the session[] even if the incoming URI doesn't have the appropriate params[] set.

Hints and caveats

  • If the user explicitly includes new sorting/filtering settings in params[], the session should not override them. On the contrary, the new settings should be remembered in the session.
  • If a user unchecks all checkboxes, use the settings stored in the session[] hash (it doesn't make sense for a user to uncheck all the boxes).
  • To be RESTful, we want to preserve the property that a URI that results in a sorted/filtered view always contains the corresponding sorting/filtering parameters. Therefore, if you find that the incoming URI is lacking the right params[] and you're forced to fill them in from the session[], the RESTful thing to do is to redirect_to the new URI containing the appropriate parameters. There is an important corner case to keep in mind here, though: if the previous action had placed a message in the flash[] to display after a redirect to the movies page, your additional redirect will delete that message and it will never appear, since the flash[] only survives across a single redirect. To fix this, use flash.keep right before your additional redirect.

How to submit:

Deploying your finished app to Heroku by the homework deadline is part of the grading process. Even if you have code checked in that works properly, you still need to also deploy it to Heroku to get full credit.

You will submit the URI of your Heroku app and the URI of your GitHub repo containing your code.