
MNIST classification of handwritten digits on a quantum computing simulator using OpenQASM.

Primary LanguagePython


Read the article about this experiment at https://link.medium.com/NMcL8tmjT9. Learn more about MNIST at http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/. Download the CSV file referenced in the article at https://www.kaggle.com/oddrationale/mnist-in-csv#.

To read a .qasm file with Qiskit, visit https://quantumcomputing.stackexchange.com/questions/9695/how-to-run-a-qasm-file-on-ibmq-device. Find additional information about that at https://qiskit.org/documentation/stubs/qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit.html. To otherwise open the .qasm file, add a .docx extension.